Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [pron] [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Craig Chalmers must continue to bring his backs into the game rather than kick away possession or run himself into the thickest traffic .
2 In other words , management must continue to develop their own professional skills and sell them to the best bidder .
3 ‘ I would like to spend one year here , continue my studies and test myself against the best British players . ’
4 ‘ We must also fight for the interests of British business in world markets and provide them with the best environment in which they can compete and succeed . ’
5 They think you are a loony , and drop you in the nearest village .
6 We rededicate and commit ourselves to the highest standards in communication as we endeavour to work for a more just , viable and sustainable society now , and in the future .
7 Motivating the learner to buy the goods and use them to the best advantage .
8 I tend to get completely engrossed with what I am doing and do it to the best of my ability , ’ … and that 's running Runrig .
9 He expands upon this : ‘ It does not follow from their alleged unawareness of the possibility of death that they do not fear death , and flee it as the greatest of evils ’ ( 1977 : 40 ) .
10 The magazine Fair Lady carries an advertisement in which a white woman addresses the reader : ‘ I discuss family planning with my domestic and take her to the nearest clinic .
11 Do n't get me wrong , I shall be only too pleased to be able to slam you shut and return you to the darkest corner of my mind . ’
12 Her father had sat with her through the nights , holding her hands , comforting her , robbing himself of sleep to be with her and help her through the worst of it .
13 Rory was late for their appointment , and when he arrived , Holdfast told him dourly to close the door and join him at the biggest table .
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