Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [art] [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 These suggestions appeal to higher level knowledge or suggest a fudge which would severely limit the scope of the system .
2 ie a ‘ flag ’ is set by the software , which means next time you speak or meet a character he will know that you have done something .
3 A witness may not be required to answer a question or produce a document which might expose him or a spouse to a criminal charge .
4 Those candidates stood to draw attention to the fact that Northern Ireland residents can not vote for or join a party which will govern them when it comes to power .
5 On historical form , the Liberal Democrats will agree either to support a minority Labour government which will be short lived , or join a coalition which will swiftly become unpopular .
6 Where the board or the adviser are unable to form a view on or recommend the offer they must set out fully the arguments for and against .
7 When they load or unload a ship they can understand what 's wanted . ’
8 But , Prof Richard De La Rue , of the university 's department of electronics and electrical engineering , and his team hope to go 20 times better and develop a cable which will transmit ten billion pulses , or two million simultaneous telephone calls .
9 He suspected that if he were to walk into the newsroom and make an arrest there would be only a momentary gasp before someone was out with the first of a new crop of jokes .
10 If we make the laws simpler and eliminate the ambiguity it would allow the referee to be more consistent in refereeing the line-out ’ , said NZRFU chairman Eddie Tonks .
11 As despair grew and self respect diminished we would take them at their unspoken word and go and buy a bottle of anaesthetic and uncork the genie who would play merry hell with the last vestige of hope of recovery .
12 So much torrential rain fell overnight and throughout the day of the finals that the organisers decided to dispense with scrums and let the team who would have had the scrum take a free-kick instead .
13 The clarity of formal rules — if the rules are clear , specific and cover every eventuality there would be no question of them being open to interpretation .
14 Either , therefore , Labour would govern with the support of the Liberals which would indeed make the Liberals the arbiters of government ; or Labour would be defeated in the House , and seek a dissolution which would be denied to them .
15 Let us move away from the special case of solipsism and sensation terms , and consider a case which may seem simpler ( actually it is the hardest case in which to make the point plausible ) .
16 And if you push me much harder , I 'll wash my hands of the whole thing and tell the Committee I ca n't cope , and make it clear I want you out — out , do you understand ?
17 So I simply had to walk on stage after an extended interval and tell the audience we would have to end the performance .
18 ‘ When you wake up , give my kindest regards to governor Trefusis , and tell the world I shall be making my presence felt very soon . ’
19 I said Well look , you go and get the policeman I 'll ring my solicitor up and then we 'll sort it out from there .
20 The MPs are here to scrape the rust off the derelict machinery of government , to recreate the corroded institution that will have to elect a president and produce a government which can impose its rule on Lebanon — and on the militia leaders .
21 It is worth mentioning that the anticompetitive practice provisions of the Competition Act 1980 , which enable the Office of Fair Trading ( OFT to investigate particular practices and produce a report which may then lead to an MMC reference , have often involved vertical restraints .
22 Research and Strategy — local authorities should carry out detailed ongoing research into the housing needs of every community and produce a strategy which would be the basis for all housing provision and development .
23 She intended to go straight to the second floor and find a policeman she could tell about the keys , but when she reached the first floor landing she veered into the newsroom instead .
24 For the /t/ — /0/ contrast it could be as follows : firstly try and find a frame you can use with at least some of the words from the lists , and listen , mimic , produce .
25 The officials want and respect a minister who can pick up a problem quickly , select from among the alternatives the line most in accord with the outlook of his Cabinet colleagues and his party , who is courageous and can win any necessary battles with other departments outside or inside the Cabinet , and who can explain the policy well in public .
26 A good way of checking your trim ( the angle of the board in the water ) is to look behind you and see how small and quiet a wake you can produce by varying your position on the board .
27 ‘ Right , then radio to the Canadian and warn the Conductor he 'll not be leaving Cartier , eh ?
28 If your chosen pattern for the main fabric uses an unusual needle setting , perhaps with a different setting on each bed , then study the pattern before you begin and choose a welt which will give you the least amount of transferring for the final setting .
29 If you agree on the details and choose a theme you can then weave them into your planning at every stage .
30 Licensed dealers will hold surplus money on deposit from them and take every penny they can .
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