Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] be [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The double tendering success came about because the offices of Boosey & Hawkes were located on the site of the planned new Sainsbury 's superstore in Hendon .
2 In the next experiment , the expression of ICAM-1 , HLA-A , B , C or HLA-DR was examined on the surface of TFN-α ( 10 ng/ml ) or IFN-γ ( 100 U/ml ) treated and untreated target cells .
3 Andy and William are standing on a seat ; Andy leans out over a table laden with glasses , a champagne bottle in one hand and his other arm held by William , who leans out the opposite way to balance him .
4 Louis and Madeleine were slumped on the sofa by the fireplace .
5 The admission by Hammersmith and Fulham was disclosed on the first day of a case brought by Anthony Hazell , the local district auditor .
6 The beauty had disappeared below deck now and Fernando was leaning on the handrail waiting for her and gazing out towards the harbour buildings .
7 During the time that Ted and Jim were working on the engine , our chief researcher Bill Welbourne had been finding out a few details about the aircraft .
8 A white rug had been laid in the centre of the floor and Kiku was seated on an ebony stool , her back to the door .
9 Hodai and Jenjin were sitting on the grass .
10 The PCR dish wells are then overlaid with 20 µl of light mineral oil ( Sigma ) and PCR is performed on a Techne thermal cycler ( MW-1 , PHC-3 ) .
11 In general Wilson and Stewart were complimented on the political assistance they were providing in what for them was an " agonisingly difficult " situation .
12 He could see that Chopper and Frankie were sold on the idea .
13 The Grand Old Duke of York did lead his men ; Dick Whittington was a 15th century Lord Mayor of London ; Ring-A-Ring-O'-Roses is said to relate to an outbreak of plague in London in the 17th century ; and Bluebeard is based on a psychopathic French murderer of the 15th century .
14 While Leontief , Pigou and Patinkin were speculating on the effects on demand of what might have to be , in principle , quite massive price reductions , the AD-AS framework gives the impression that relatively small price changes would make a powerful impact on aggregate demand .
15 Dominic , Barnabas , Samantha and Georgina were sitting on the kerb poking sticks through the drain cover .
16 I do n't think the snake had fully wakened up when I caught it , and I was careful not to jar it as I ran back to where my brothers and Blyth were lying on the grass .
17 Microsoft , Intel , Novell and SynOptics are working on an open , common set of application programming interfaces that will enable management of individual micros on a network , providing a reference implementation and an open architecture .
18 There was no lack of change in Aberdeen 's team , though , with McKimmie replacing Winnie and Shearer being left on the bench to accommodate the return of Booth .
19 She listened for Patrick 's cry but the only noise was from the Kenny children as they squabbled over a piece of bread , and Maggie was sitting on the bed with the baby sucking in vain at her scrawny breast .
20 Yuan and Alexei were seated on the far side of the space which lay between the tables .
21 In the tenth , eleventh and twelfth centuries the kings of France and England were anointed on the head with chrism , the specially sacred mixture of oil and balsam used in the ordination of priests and the consecration of bishops .
22 In 1469 , King Louis XI of France conferred with King Henry IV of Castile here ; in 1526 the captive King Francis I was exchanged for his two sons , who stood in for him as hostages with his great enemy , the Emperor Charles V ; in 1659 , the Peace of the Pyrenees between France and Spain was negotiated on the island ; and a year later , the contract of marriage was signed which consolidated that epoch-making treaty , between Louis XIV and the Infant a ( it was while helping to decorate the Spanish pavilion for the occasion that the painter Velázquez is said to have caught his death of cold ) .
23 A place of safety order was obtained and D. was put on a child protection register .
24 Lisabeth and Fenella were waiting on the pavement outside the Spring Onion when I arrived to pick them up .
25 They were to be sent to market next month and Ray was depending on the money .
26 Police forces from Lancashire , Manchester and Strathclyde are co-operating on the investigation .
27 After being taken into the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children on January 24 , the infection had spread and Stephen was put on a course of antibiotics .
28 But Charles and Elaine were sitting on the rug before the open wood fire in the drawing room .
29 Colin Todd was promoted from first-team coach and Boro were saved on the final day of the season when they beat Newcastle United at Ayresome Park .
30 The light was on and Phoebe was sitting on the bed with Maggie 's arms wrapped convulsively around her , her scarlet and sparkling body thus partly hidden from her grandmother .
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