Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] 's [noun] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the Illustrated London News shows that Guest & Merriman 's experiment had included several microphones and a selector system , but the surviving disc shows no sign of active ‘ mixing ’ .
2 The angry look on the judge 's sallow face showed that either his attendance in court that morning or Cranston 's arrival had put him in an ill humour .
3 The National Art Collections Fund and Waterstone 's Booksellers have announced that Jill Lloyd is the winner of the country 's first national art book prize .
4 Previous studies of the distribution and nature of macrophages in human intestinal mucosa and Peyer 's patches have shown a bewildering heterogeneity , probably reflecting both developmental and functional overlaps ( see Disussion ) .
5 Sophie and Felix loved each other , and Sophie 's father had promised that they could marry .
6 Yes , it was probably as Hans said : there had been a row and Chuang 's wife had used Hans 's name to spite her husband .
7 Since the block had been removed the day before , and Ewan 's program had started to run , she had felt like a cat on heat .
8 All this and David 's Mum having saved the day saying , ‘ Do n't worry , I 've called the press . ’
9 He knew his father would be backstage , interfering , and Suzi 's parents had arrived much earlier in order to park their car and get to their seats in good time .
10 On the other hand , it was no great sum and Hope 's custom had given him publicity .
11 Jackson had been made redundant as a result of a drastic decline in orders and Turner 's company had gone into liquidation .
12 She had wondered about it briefly when it seemed certain that her mother and Michele 's father had known each other in the past .
13 Lautro should reconsider its practice of issuing a press notice and consider deferring the issue of a press notice until after the person affected has had an opportunity to apply for the notice to be rescinded , to make representations to that effect , and Lautro 's board has ruled in the application ( post , pp. 581F–G , 582A ) .
14 Although this is not a matter in respect of which we are asked to grant any relief , I believe that Lautro should reconsider its practice in this respect , and consider deferring the issue of a press notice until after the person affected has had the opportunity to apply for the notice to be rescinded and to make representations to that effect , and Lautro 's board have ruled in the application .
15 The Hampshire case and Yeo 's reaction have sparked off fears that the Adoption Law Review , which is expected to go before Parliament next year , will sideline single parents or gay couples , although the consultation document stressed many such placements were successful .
16 Although the old collaborationist Sadducee priestly establishment of Herod 's and Jesus 's time had disappeared , a new form of Judaism had begun to coalesce , oriented towards rabbinical teaching .
17 The table he sat at was circular and made of pine or what Hilbert and Adam 's father had called deal .
18 What the NEA and Frohnmayer 's troubles have made clear is that only leadership , intelligent , proud and committed , can explain to the American people what great art , validated by time and genius , can bring to heal a split society .
19 Their understanding and Rose 's tolerance have cemented their relationship : something that Steve recognises and appreciates .
20 She had looked unnaturally pensive , uncertain , when he 'd spoken of their childhood days at The Grange and Harry 's face had lit up with a special glow .
21 Despite protests from all sides he did n't halt his labours until the body before him had been opened from navel to throat , and Dowd 's thrashings had ceased .
22 He was in charge of the drugstore , and Jennifer 's husband had left her with a habit or two .
23 Bradshaw and Miller 's work has shown that a substantial proportion of single mothers have never been in full time employment .
24 The party fared badly at the election in April last year , and Craxi 's name has appeared regularly in the inquiries .
25 The two Hearthwares turned to meet the new foes , but Bicker 's blade had already slid into the throat of one , and Isay 's staff had split the skull of the other like a bruised apple .
26 And Kate 's mother had put her arm around him and pulled him towards her .
27 As time had gone by , and Constance 's conversation had made clear the depth of her friendship with his great aunt , he had been afraid to tell her , fearing exactly the reaction he had now received .
28 The sun and Steve 's gorge had risen together , but he was now back in bed .
29 Germany 's BMW and France 's Renault have signed an agreement to work together on disassembling and recycling used cars .
30 I 've made Andrew 's room my den cum office and Wendy 's room has become the guest room . ’
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