Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [vb past] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Search consultants are often called in when an organisation is considering going into a new business sector , as Marks & Spencer did when they went into financial services with their credit card ; as when BP were trying to diversify their business and spot winners by developing new technology ; as financial services institutions do when they wish to launch a new product or enter new markets .
2 Midwifery training at Epsom & Surrey followed and she has recently completed a course in tropical nursing at the London Hospital for Tropical Diseases .
3 Or Fergie did when she hopped in and out of cars wearing Honest-Jill-Ordinary leggings and sweatshirts which said , ‘ Hey , forget Bali , I 'm just a working mum like you ! ’
4 Neither Morgan nor Engels denied that he had no direct evidence at all for this first primeval stage of total promiscuity .
5 Neither Charles nor Nigel spoke as they heard his footsteps on the stairs , the slam of the front door , the gates being opened , and his car departing in a scurry of gravel .
6 Huy registered the threat , and Reni saw that he had , before turning to Taheb , stroking her hand as he spoke .
7 Turner was n't a naturally violent man , and Doyle guessed that he had been ‘ put upon ’ inside , and had probably objected .
8 The President was a keen fisherman and Trent guessed that he hunted — despite the Pine Ridge being a Nature Reserve .
9 This qualification of support for the replacement of Friern and Claybury meant that it fell back upon regional officers , once again , to decide whether to go ahead with the initiative , or to abandon it .
10 her lips curled in a smile , and Patrick wondered if she knew what effect she was having on him — and then realized that she probably did .
11 I was merely quoting what the hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside said and I have said that I am willing to give way to him .
12 And when , after lunch , she came downstairs in her new outfit , bought from Selfridge 's last week with the money which J. D. O'Connor had paid her for her articles , and with her next two articles in her bag , ready to be handed in to the great man himself before she returned to the rectory to pick up Rose Bailey , whose time off did not begin until four-thirty , both Dr Neil and Matey thought that she looked enchanting .
13 She was wearing her afternoon uniform and Matey thought that she looked charming in it ; it was not surprising , after all , that Dr Neil had a soft spot for her .
14 Jardine and Johnstone guessed that they had decided to strike out on their own now , no doubt reluctant to have to share any of their gleanings with others .
15 The villagers working there greeted Father Reynard warmly and Corbett recognised that they admired , even loved , their priest .
16 They entered the Lawnmarket and Corbett shivered when he saw the gibbet and its rotten , swaying human fruit , black figures against the moonlit , summer night sky .
17 The lion turned , jaws slavering , eyes ablaze with fury and Corbett flinched as it came towards him , belly crouched , its tail twitching , its hind legs tense , then it sprang .
18 Colette and Bernard self-published works about matters holistic and mystical , and Ken relaxed when I told him I was working on a thriller .
19 He laughed with forced heartiness , as limping badly he began to walk along the corridor , leading the way , and Hari realized that he had used the laugh many times to conceal his true feelings .
20 He moved away into the night and Hari watched until he had disappeared from sight , then she closed the door .
21 William and Justine died because you did not love me .
22 By ‘ fine ’ DeFries meant everything was fine and David meant that he 'd left .
23 The whole area was much dryer than it used to be , and Edward suspected that something had interfered with the water table ; there had been nesting moorhens at one time — now only the occasional toad was left .
24 You will do it carefully ? ’ he added , his tone sounding suddenly a little dangerous , and Maggie stopped as she reached the door .
25 The circumstances in which freedom might be won were clearly defined , and Alexei knew that he had sometimes thought that the lowest class in the Empire — the proles , who worked for pay — were no less enslaved and had perhaps fewer rights .
26 Mrs Carson did not reply at once and Ruth wondered if she had gone too far and annoyed her mistress .
27 Some were eating , and Ruth guessed that they had broken into the food supplies they had brought for the voyage .
28 During the course of the news conference both Assad and Mubarak said that they opposed any renewed military action against Iraq ; Syria and Egypt had both committed ground forces to the US-led coalition which had ousted Iraq from Kuwait in February 1991 .
29 When they were asked afterwards , both Owen and North admitted that they had never imagined ‘ a victory march down the streets of Managua ’ .
30 He touched her eyes , her mouth , her nose , and Tallis understood that he had seen the hints of the face within the wood .
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