Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 The areas of Sunderland and Middlesbrough that we looked at were both poor working-class areas , yet there were considerable differences in the health of their communities .
2 They were just poling away and Matt shouted ‘ Hey , fellers , cut ’ but they did n't take any notice and I remember thinking maybe they 're testing the rope to see if it works , and Matt and I turned at just the same moment and saw where the Indians were heading us — straight into a pile of rocks and foaming water — and I knew the rope must have broken or something .
3 When Bill and Kevin and I looked at how we could cope with appraisal in our division , the numbers did n't work out as badly at least as I thought they were going to originally .
4 I always posted two sentries at night , more if the situation warranted it , and Omar or I checked at intervals to make sure they were awake .
5 The wedding day was typical September weather , with clear blue skies and mild sunshine falling through the church window , to shine on Anne and John as they stood at the altar .
6 The Lorrimores , followed by everyone still in the dining room , went dashing off into the dome car , but Emil and I looked at each other , and I said , ‘ How do we warn that train ? ’
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