Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [pers pn] [be] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Commission argue that in order for the industrial base of the EC to be effective and dynamic it is important that a free and competitive environment , based on the creation of the SEM with a strong Community competition policy , be supplemented by harmonised or coordinated policies in other areas .
2 If a friend has had work done by a particular building firm and found them reliable , honest and efficient it is likely that you will too .
3 Being unmarried and childless she was unaware that many quite normal women spent a great deal of time talking to and feeding people whom they would not , themselves , have chosen to entertain .
4 I 'm not getting into a fight over some silly little first-year whether she 's your sister or not , and if you 'll excuse me , this porridge is bad enough hot , but cold it 's inedible and there 's a long way to go till lunchtime . ’
5 Finally , there is something about fire when it is small and controllable that is lovely , but uncontrolled it is unpredictable and rather frightening .
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