Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [adj] [noun] [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Black or white tri-laminate scratchplates come as standard , but these can be changed for a much more interesting and fashionable pearloid affair which , for some strange reason , costs a touch more .
2 Personal narratives or short autobiographical pieces function organisationally in much the same way as fictional narratives , except that the writer is constrained by existential rather than imagined events .
3 Health services and personal social services come under four appointed boards .
4 These things can happen on the smallest scale — within one family , when a husband treats his wife as a breeding machine — or on a national or international scale , when entire ‘ populations ’ come under pressure from the planners , and individual human rights become as invisible as the individual people the word ‘ population ’ conveniently obscures .
5 These things can happen on the smallest scale — within one family , when a husband treats his wife as a breeding machine — or on a national or international scale , when entire ‘ populations ’ come under pressure from the planners , and individual human rights become as invisible as the individual human people the word ‘ population ’ conveniently obscures .
6 In practice the major use of such agreements has been in the sphere of highway maintenance and construction , where old county boroughs and large urban districts have invariably continued to provide the service on behalf of their county council .
7 Some filter-feeders like the scallops do manage to travel : they clap their valves together convulsively and so make curving leaps , but by and large adult bivalves live rather static lives and the spreading of the species into distant parts of the sea bed is carried out by the young .
8 General statements that investment appraisals should include data on , for example , product enhancement , diversification , risk reduction and increased internal benefits do little more than say that something new is needed .
9 As has been said elsewhere in this book athletics reflects the society in which it exists and the experiences of Linford , his family and black British athletes mirror exactly those of the majority of black British citizens .
10 Electric fences around sensitive areas and electrified human dummies have also had some effect , apparently warding off marauding tigers .
11 Unpretentious yet beautiful orange brick and pantiled watermills , trout farms and farmhouses rest peacefully in isolated spots and cosy little hamlets appear unexpectedly as one turns of a bend of a woldland way .
12 The disease , often simply known as ostertagiasis , is characterised by weight loss and diarrhoea and typically affects young cattle during their first grazing season , although herd outbreaks and sporadic individual cases have also been reported in adult cattle .
13 3 , square-wave tests ( creep or stress-relaxation ) and dynamic sine-wave tests yield more useful information than sawtooth tests , although in principle the results from one type of test are comparable with those from the others .
14 Apart from the language barrier , which has been eased by the general acceptance of English everywhere except in France , British and Continental military staffs have practically no shared operational experience or traditions .
15 Among recent movements , the student movement of the 1960s , the women 's movement , and various nationalist movements have all produced new political concepts .
16 In the east of the country , the square and rectangular panelled designs suggest rather more movement — if not naturalism — " than those of the west , ( and , even in the mosaic with sixteen medallions — mosaic 10 , Verulamium : pI .
17 Fish and chips are most popular in Yorkshire and Humberside and Northern English homes spend less on fruit than the rest of the country .
18 There are few descriptions of the histological features of gold induced colitis , but a preservation of glandular architecture and diffuse inflammatory cell infiltrate sometimes with a prominent eosinophil component are said to be characteristic .
19 And , for all the trials of the Tory years , a healthy critical tradition has been maintained : a tradition to which Perry Anderson and New Left Review have notably contributed , both as component and critic .
20 Deer , antelope , buffalo and other grazing mammals have long been hunted by man for their meat and hides and for the other products they yield .
21 Is it not also a fact that , because industries in the north and north-west and other such places have increasingly been taken over by industries based in the south , the north has always been last for investment and first for cuts ?
22 This is mainly because the wages of education support staff ( such as nursery assistants and welfare assistants ) and other non-teaching staff figure much more prominently in the spending of special schools ( 27% ) than they do in the spending of primary ( 14% ) or secondary ( 11% ) schools .
23 At the industrial level , pharmaceutical and other biomedical enterprises do all they can to promote their products .
24 Once it drops below 5.3 , increased solubility of aluminium and other chemical effects lead progressively to the decline and loss of fish populations ( see below ) .
25 The first is to oversee the whole monetary system and ensure that banks and other financial institutions operate as stably and as efficiently as possible .
26 The CEGB and other official agencies have regularly pointed out that the public may not be happy to have giant structures in areas of scenic beauty .
27 This solution is familiar to accounting textbooks but the political and other behavioural consequences have hardly been addressed .
28 Yet ironically , recent government policies have created a situation where more and more prisoners serving life and other long sentences have rather less to lose , for it has now been decreed that various categories of serious offender will not normally be considered for parole , or not considered for a very long time ( see Chapter 6 ) .
29 The National Front and other crypto-fascist fringe-groups have consciously attempted to use football as a means of spreading their ideology amongst young white workers and have specifically targeted certain clubs such as West Ham and Millwall .
30 Friends of the Earth , Greenpeace and other environmental groups have sharply criticized the proposals because they leave British Nuclear Fuels ( BNFL ) , the plant 's operator , the option of increasing discharges without breaking the law .
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