Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] with a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While this is unlikely to cause a problem in a pond with a pH of 7.5 or less , it could do so in a poorly filtered or overcrowded pond with a pH of 8.0 or above .
2 They were mostly recruited from one of the youth movements , or were teachers or social workers with a readiness to handle any problem thrown at them .
3 Thee being essentially black & white images with a splash/stroke of colour , and this is where I believe the strength of the book lies .
4 Concomitant symptoms are symptoms not directly related to but arising at the same time as , the main complaint such as a headache with diarrhoea or cold sores with a fever — things which are repeatedly associated , so that the patient might say ‘ Whenever I get this problem I always get a stomach upset ’ or whatever it may be .
5 You need panache to carry it off , with carefully selected ornaments and crockery from the period fortunately , there 's still quite a lot of it around ; geometric patterned wallpaper or plain walls with a border pattern in peaches and rusts .
6 This consisted of a long or short shaft with a staple at the end , to which a chain was attached .
7 In 1991 the top salary range for a Senior Chief Officer of a Shire District with a population of over 460,000 was £38,769 to £55,230 ; for a County with a population of over 1,700,001 , £45,723 to £64,536 , and for a London Borough or Metropolitan District with a population over 1,080,001 it was £43,647 to £66,417 .
8 In the case of a sentence of six months or less , with certain exceptions such as where the offence involved violence , the possession of firearms , explosives or offensive weapons , or indecent conduct with a person aged under sixteen , the court was obliged to suspend the sentence .
9 For the girl , marriage does not then symbolise a heightened or new relationship with a man .
10 We usually manage to provide every new member or new mum with a contact who can introduce her to the NCT and chat over any everyday difficulties .
11 The visit of South African President F. W. de Klerk to Nigeria in April had been followed by the establishment of trade or diplomatic relations with a number of African countries including Côte d'Ivoire , Djibouti , Kenya and Zambia [ see pp. 38851 ; 38897 ] .
12 The visit of South African President F. W. de Klerk to Nigeria in April had been followed by the establishment of trade or diplomatic relations with a number of African countries including Côte d'Ivoire , Djibouti , Kenya and Zambia [ see pp. 38851 ; 38897 ] .
13 A significant proportion of women with these disabling conditions are also responsible for caring for a male spouse or other relative with a disability .
14 Like very many other people , and this theme runs right through the length of European intellectual life , Russell was , he was delighted with mathematics when he first encountered it , erm immensely impressed by the certainty of its propositions , as so many other people had been , erm troubled a bit by the logical inadequacy of much of the mathematics that he was presented with , especially at Cambridge , and investing mathematics with a kind of Platonic aura .
15 Some of them even more horrible than being described as ‘ decent ’ by a wonky-gobbed ex-public school exhibitionist and professional arsehole with a gnat 's testicle for a brain .
16 WELL here it comes folks , the biggest , most rip-roaring , full-throttle , Boys Own movie yarn of the year , and resplendent movie with a capital M it most certainly is .
17 The Foreign Ministers ' proposals were to be discussed at the June European Council summit " with a view to a decision on the holding of a second intergovernmental conference to work in parallel with the conference on economic and monetary union with a view to ratification by member states in the same timeframe " .
18 We also have concerns about how it could erm fit in to er the countryside erm of the area er with particular reference to erm paragraph thirty three of P P G three which states that erm the net effect of any new settlement will be to enhance the environmental cause only modest environmental impact , the area in Hambledon , as Mr Wincup outlined yesterday erm is occupied essentially by the vale of York , it 's an essentially flat and rolling landscape , er the intensification of agriculture 's produced a very open landscape erm in that area erm there are few erm landscape elements to reduce into visibility , erm there are no significant areas of derelict land which could be , which would be reclaimed or enhanced erm by a new settlement , erm and the Council believes that it would be very difficult to assimilate a new settlement into this landscape , and it would be er visible over extensive areas , to touch on erm the point raised by erm the panel about self sufficiency and self containment erm I think it 's recognized in the explanatory memorandum , erm to policy H two that a new settlement will need to maintain social and economic links with a city , erm perhaps from some , this statement is explicit that erm York will continue to exert considerable influence in terms of employment , social , and community links , erm and it 's unlikely that facilities which have provided a new settlement will divert much , if an , if er any , erm of this er demand for travel .
19 Or is aggression leading to violence endemic in sport and sports spectators ? competent , phlegmatic Englishman reading the Oxford Book of Greek Verse while organizing supplies and technical support with a minimum of fuss .
20 A delightful Grade 2 listed building of architectural and historical interest with a wealth of oak and elm panelled walls , beamed ceilings and large open fireplaces creating an intimate and homely atmosphere .
21 Page 3 models and rubber fetishists with a slave on the side flickered before our very eyes
22 Three bones gets you an official welcome and 15-minute walkies with a staff member .
23 Did that exhibition suggest to you that Pop Art was a thrusting and lively activity with a relevance in contemporary art , or that it had become a comfortable and nostalgic moment in art history ?
24 A well-supported client was defined as having daily contact with a neighbour and weekly contact with a relative ; only one-fifth had this degree of support .
25 He replaced this in his pocket and picked up a heavy cream-coloured envelope with his own name printed on it , and a postcard showing the Forum at sunset in gaudy and unrealistic colour with a message reading .
26 Partial remission was defined as improvement of clinical symptoms and endoscopic lesions with a decrease in tumoral infiltration .
27 Right : Create a rustic and warm look with a Cottage suite from the Armitage Shanks range
28 All branches of Beaverbrooks also offer an earpiercing service using the Inverness System , a healthy authority approved and recognised method with a discount of 10 per cent on your first purchase of gold earrings .
29 ’ Roirbak turned away from his mirror and fixed Tammuz with a stare .
30 Another shows a large and lordly daemon with a wasp-tail , standing between two human attendants .
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