Example sentences of "[coord] [art] [noun sg] was [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Where a small hill or depression had to be crossed in the course of building a canal , a cutting or an embankment was often the engineering solution .
2 I rehearsed this over and over again , but when I stopped — and the story was usually the same — I relaxed and limped around , opening each locker several times in confusion .
3 Quite a few of his country clients had been late for their appointments , or had failed to turn up at all , and the story was always the same : British troops had boarded the train as passengers so the driver or the fireman or the guard or ticket-collector — sometimes all four — refused to work and the train never moved .
4 The small scale marred definition and the angle was not the same , but there was no doubt at all about what he was looking at .
5 If she had a guest it was never more than one and the hour was always the same .
6 Cyril Humphries , the dealer who supplied Dr Sackler with most of his maiolica , backs up Mrs Sackler 's claim , noting that ‘ Dr Sackler always told me he would like to keep the collection intact … he wanted eventually to collect the entire spectrum of ceramic arts , and the maiolica was only the first part of it . ’
7 In no time at all , the fire was blazing cheerfully , the curtains were drawn against the night , and Beth was pouring the water from the kettle into the bath ; a spill of cold water from the ewer , then another drop from the kettle , and the water was just the right temperature , the warm steam rising nicely and filling the room with a comfortable warm smell .
8 She was relieved when the mini-cab drew up and the driver was not the usual small foreigner but a stern-looking English woman : Brian was not rude to people like that .
9 They had met there before for face-to-face debriefings during Operation Steeplechase , and the routine was always the same .
10 It was as if he 'd crossed one of life 's bridges ; there was no going back , and the view was n't the same any more .
11 Help had been so close — and the disappointment was all the greater for it .
12 And the piece was all the better for it .
13 And the party was all the better for not being spoiled by a strike by lecturers which had been threatened earlier in the week .
14 But the barrister was n't the only person in Britain affronted by its publication .
15 The contrast between the ages of the winners was remarkable enough , but the award was soon the centre of a public scandal as the French press accused the Academy of incompetence and the younger man of plagiarism .
16 The female assistant was known as the mystic sister , but the man was always the Adept , the Master , Magister .
17 But the result was always the same .
18 Repeatedly the hoarse-voiced Feldwebels tried to rally their men forward in one more supreme effort , but the result was always the same .
19 In Frank H Wright ( Constructions ) Ltd v Frodoor Ltd [ 1967 ] 1 WLR 506 a valuation stated that some assets had not been included , when in fact they had been , but the result was still the same and completely unaffected by this error ; there was therefore no need for the court to correct the valuation .
20 But the hatred was merely the other side of love , the element that darkened it , touching their passion with the hostility that made their lovemaking resemble fighting .
21 Her map-covered floor was still beneath her , but the office was now the shadow , the warehouse the substance .
22 But the war was here the occasion for their collective expression , at a time when , with the threat of invasion passed , debates about the future shape of British society were becoming a major ingredient in political discussion .
23 One reason for organising the 5 October 1968 march in Derry was that NICRA had always considered the city to be a natural focus for its attempts to raise the question of civil rights , but the demonstration was not the first attempt to organise around the issue in Derry .
24 But the answer was always the same : ‘ No . ’
25 But the Palace was also the most exclusive apartment hotel in the city .
26 But the friar was not the only one with secrets and Sir John drank to drown his .
27 The Bren LMGs Mk I for the 8th Army were now no more than soap , toothpaste or toilet rolls , but the progression was just the same .
28 Melissa half expected a vigorous defence of Dora 's protective friendship , but the reaction was precisely the opposite .
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