Example sentences of "[coord] [art] [adj] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In the course of the evening or the next few days you may come across some new information or viewpoint relating to the lecture that you attended .
2 In the latter case , an exact equivalent to grammar in linguistics is unlikely to be found , since , as noted earlier , objects gain their effect from their comparative lack of abstraction and the various bridging functions they can thereby perform .
3 How we do it and the various other things we do are n't exactly what we 're paid for but they become part of the job .
4 Within a month the new government faced the political implications of the Suez campaign , and the vehement anti-Hashemite feelings it provoked .
5 It is puzzling why this happens year after year and the only feasible reason I can come up with is — there seems to be far too many players competing in too many leagues in and around the Belfast area .
6 She 'd worn slacks all through rehearsals and the only other times he 'd seen her she 'd been wearing that dreary suit .
7 Space is limited and the only other tank I have is a 21″ cube and I ca n't put him in there because it contains two small G. jurupari , a pair of G. brasiliensis , a pair each of Crenicara filamentosa , Cichlasoma sajica and Butterfly Rams , and an Ancistrus .
8 And the only big things you get are dogs .
9 In spite of the struggle Bomber Command endured and the casualties suffered , particularly in the first two years when the bombers did so badly , and the only positive result we could measure was the shocking number of losses in aircrew , we were squandering our seed-corn .
10 ‘ There is no Gook or Kraut or Nip for this war ’ , he writes , ‘ and the only Iraqi jokes I 've heard have been on the telephone from back home ’ .
11 Our guys in Austin are more interested in open systems , and the fastest screaming performance it can get onto a microprocessor .
12 Looked at another way , The Possessed and the two remaining novels he had in him to write , A Raw Youth and The Brothers Karamazov , are all generation-gap stories , and for Dostoevsky the generation gap is only subordinately topical and tendentious and mixed up with Turgenev .
13 Second , the activities of Maule Ramsay and the two secret societies he was connected with , the Right Club and NL , and his links with Mosley in 1939 — 40 , were to be responsible for the internment of many fascists without trial in the Second World War , and in part the mutual recriminations between Mosleyites and racial nationalists which fragmented the revival of the tradition after 1945 .
14 Page 42 tells you more about the Bodrum peninsula , Bitez , and the two delightful hotels we use , but this is a convenient resort where you live right on the beach , enjoying a friendly style of service that 's difficult to fault .
15 Dungannon Chamber of Trade and Commerce replaces the former Chamber of Trade , and the first major issue it will tackle is the continued closure of the security barriers around the town centre .
16 This Autumn Statement and the new economic policy it set down must be judged on whether it gets the country back to work , reduces the dole queues and brings hope back to the British people .
17 If there were rumours concerning herself and the new medical officer she wanted them quashed before they had a chance to spread .
18 If there is a single divide between the traditional world of printed information and the new electronic media it is this contrast between static and dynamic information .
19 And the other two things I could mention at this point is that erm this activity , this useful time-structured activity , brings you into contact with other people .
20 Fenella pulled the velvet folds of the cover about her and tried to sleep and not to think about what would happen and whether they would be let out of these rooms and what stories she might have to tell the Gruagach about Star People and the Fire Court and the other fictional places they were supposed to have travelled to .
21 It was only then that Nell returned once more to dominate his thoughts , and the other weird creature she was intent upon contacting .
22 And the final general question I want to ask is how much choice do foreign policy makers have ?
23 And what is " Reverse Polling ON/OFF " for God 's sake ? ) , my thoughts return to Alexander Bain and the protracted overnight success he provoked .
24 ‘ Now , despite inflation and the many extra duties they have entrusted us with , they insist on a budget of £20.2m .
25 Your Gift will there daily remind me of your friendship and the many pleasing chats we have had in our favourite pursuits .
26 Through the United Nations and the European Economic Community we shall certainly be doing all that we can to encourage the social reforms — for example , the reform of land ownership — to which the hon. Gentleman referred .
27 At least I had a firmer grasp of the industrial development of West Ham and the distinct political culture it had witnessed , particularly during the 1890s .
28 Despite the call of duty , and the deep warm affection she had for her cousin 's little girls , every instinct Laura possessed was overwhelmingly urging her to leave this vehicle ; to put as great a distance between herself and Ross as she possibly could .
29 She used to spend her whole day locked in a basement room with her sister-in-law and the four young children they had between them .
30 In the end , the proposal was dropped more out of fear of ‘ Joe Six-Pack ’ , and the awful electoral revenge he might take .
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