Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] all [art] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 And of all the people I met , I have only kept in touch with one or two from Binbrook .
2 ‘ Just along the bank a TV crew were filming , and with all the commotion I was making someone broke away from the crowd , jumped into the river and dragged Mrs Miniver to safety .
3 Since then I have sampled as many types of floatplane as possible ; but of all the seaplanes I have flown my favourite by far is the de Havilland ( Canada ) Beaver — familiar to anyone who has read Gavin Lyall 's excellent flying thriller The Most Dangerous Game .
4 ‘ Not exactly , Mrs Richards , but like all the girls I have a very soft spot for Mystery Miguelito at Pepe 's .
5 ‘ Oh dear , ’ Louise said , unhappily , ‘ I did so hope that you two would make a go of it , but with all the rows I do n't really know , I 'm sure … ’
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