Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] an [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Taken together , these four factors were said to have made for an expansion of participants in pressure politics and for an expansion of demands on government .
2 The Head of the River Race is one of rowing 's great occasions , and with an entry of men 's eights , limited for safety reasons to 420 , the 4 miles between Mortlake and Putney will be very busy on Saturday afternoon .
3 In 1970 , the Library Association produced the first set of specific standards for school libraries that Great Britain had ever had , embodying the library 's new name , and including an analysis of implications for finance , planning , staffing and service which was immediately recognized as being incomplete .
4 He had lived the life of a roué in the fleshpots of London and Paris , squandering the Carew fortune in gaming saloons and on an army of mistresses .
5 For a philosopher , whether an idea is logical or illogical is very important , but for an historian of ideas this concern is of relatively little significance .
6 To argue over the logic or truth of an idea in absolute terms is to explore the nature of belief itself , but for an historian of ideas what is most interesting is ‘ who held a particular belief at a particular time and what needs it fulfilled for them .
7 But in an age of railways and steam-power it became increasingly difficult for her to compete .
8 But by an extension of remedies and a flexible procedure it can be said that something resembling a system of public law is being developed .
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