Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [art] [noun] ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Official posts could be held by four principal types of tenure : durante bene placito , or during the King 's pleasure , which was the least secure ; quam diu se bene gesserit , or during good behaviour , which placed the holder a little more firmly in the saddle ; for life , which made him virtually irremovable from his office , although he could , for flagrant misdemeanours , be suspended from its functions ; and hereditary tenure , which converted the post to a transmissible freehold property .
2 Still fresh and green at the back end , it could provide a juicy supplement to the diet of a early calving cow , or for the smallholder 's animals newly brought in to the byre for the winter .
3 ask questions about a short passage of simple text , or about the student 's situation .
4 There is plenty of good material here — about the proliferation of prostitution around foreign military bases , for instance , or about the men 's club atmosphere of international policy-making circles .
5 Traditionally parents , through direct appeals or through a parents ' organisation have provided additional funds for ‘ extras ’ for the children and the school .
6 In a typical 16th century English charter party the owner of the vessel acknowledged , directly or through the ship 's master , that : 1 ) he had let the ship and promised to prepare it , by a fixed date , to take in the goods provided by the charterer ; 2 ) the ship would sail with the first convenient wind to the stipulated port ; 3 ) in accordance with a receipt or bill of lading he would deliver the goods in good condition to the designated person ; 4 ) the ship would remain at that port for a fixed period to take in such goods as the charter party nominee party needed to reload , and that the ship would then return to the port of origin , and deliver the reloaded goods in good condition ; and 5 ) the crew would be as described , and would be furnished with the proper gear .
7 ‘ But the really bad apples in the seismic barrel , and a very sinister lot those are , too , are the so-called thermal hotspots , plumes or upswellings of molten lava that reach up to or through the earth 's crust , giving rise to volcanoes or earthquakes or both .
8 One : choose a new car and sell the old one yourself or through the dealer 's Resale Club .
9 A little unsporting maybe but then none are likely to end up on the dinnerplate or as a fisherman 's trophy .
10 The agent and artist do n't care what happens to the other 50p , whether it is spent either as the show 's costs or as the promoter 's profit .
11 The information provided in this prospectus is correct at the time of going to press , but the course programme is subject to continuing development and the University reserves the right to make changes at any time , before or after a candidate 's admission .
12 He has known no want either materially or of a mother 's love for you have supplied both abundantly and he will be reminded of this all his life you can be sure .
13 You would never guess from the text that he was an alcoholic , and there is no mention of the cause of death or of a coroner 's report .
14 or of the Princess ' joke
15 This argument does not really count against Freud , who was well aware of the cultural , institutional character of religious rituals , or of the magician 's role .
16 Instead of the Roman damnum fatalis , the common law carved out exceptions for inherent defects or vices of the goods , shipper 's contributory negligence , and acts of God or of the King 's enemies .
17 The policy of the solicitors ' governing body is encapsulated in Rule 1 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 ( and of earlier editions ) : A solicitor shall not directly or indirectly obtain or attempt to obtain instructions for professional work or permit another person to do so on his behalf , or do anything in the course of practising as a solicitor , in any manner which compromises or impairs or is likely to compromise or impair any of the following : ( a ) the solicitor 's independence or integrity ; ( b ) a person 's freedom to instruct a solicitor of his choice ; ( c ) the solicitor 's duty to act in the best interests of the client ; ( d ) the good repute of the solicitor or of the solicitor 's profession ; ( e ) the solicitor 's proper standard of work ; ( f ) the solicitor 's duty to the Court .
18 There was a picture of the terrace on which meals were taken ‘ except during thunderstorms ’ and several of the garden , but none of the kitchen or of the children 's accommodation .
19 To dismiss them out of hand is a sign either of defective knowledge or lack of imagination on the reader 's part or of the author 's incapacity to convince .
20 The person called responds by giving one sharp tap on or near the receiver 's telephone mouthpiece for ‘ Yes ’ , two taps for ‘ No ’ .
21 ( 1980 ) concluded that climatology must systematically investigate the exchanges of heat , water and momentum that occur at or near the earth 's surface and should focus upon topoclimatology as well as on transfer processes .
22 He was aware of the lath and plaster clinging to the bottom of the joists ; put a foot through that and you 'd be right through the ceiling below ; chap could fall slap into the bath from here , probably ; or into the twins ' room , maybe ; perish the thought ; daddy coming crashing through the ceiling , give the little perishers nightmares for the rest of their lives .
23 These may arise if there are minority shareholders in a company and pre-emption rules apply either under the Articles of Association or under a shareholders ' agreement .
24 The supply of all product to shops is in direct response to retailers ' orders , which are placed either with the distribution centre or with the company 's sales force on their monthly calls .
25 If the design of the works is evolving as construction proceeds , and the contract is let on a cost reimbursable basis , responsibility for controlling costs lies principally with the client or with the client 's representatives .
26 There has been a recent increase in requests for such support with cases where the need for confidentiality may conflict with legal responsibilities or with the adviser 's desire to protect a weaker third party .
27 In this context , this means used and disclosed only for the purposes for which it is compiled , or for which authority is given , or with the donor 's consent or for certain other limited purposes .
28 This description is given , partly verbally and partly in a more formal way ( by tables and diagrams ) , in the computer system reference manual , or in a programmer 's guide to the computer 's assembler language ; the latter tends to subsume the effect of some of the computer 's more basic software in the description .
29 ( d ) Location of deeds Generally , these will be with a building society or bank or in a solicitor 's strongroom .
30 But I fancy that if I found myself on the field of Waterloo with a foot missing , or in a dentist 's chair without benefit of anaesthetic — a future form of laudanum — or faced with a work-situation in which my family were slowly being starved and degraded , then my conclusions might reasonably be the same . )
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