Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [noun] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We are not suggesting , of course , that it is not legitimate to study the comprehension of sentences , or of passages which consist of discrete sentences .
2 When a twelfth-century knight rode into a tournament or into battle he hoped to be worthy either of his lineage or of his lady ; earlier he had thought only of his ancestors .
3 Once you are in the habit of reviewing it can be done , alone or with others who participated in the experience , in about five minutes fiat .
4 Uranium , the ultimate source of radon , tends to concentrate in acidic magmas , which form granite , or in shales which form from marine muds .
5 Hence some policewomen deliberately seek out desk jobs — secretaries with uniforms , as someone described them — or jobs as drivers , in juvenile liaison , or in units which deal with sex crimes , because they see themselves as better suited to this type of work .
6 Or in fact you go to London because it happens to be in reverse
7 Some gave handouts in cash or kind , sometimes to specific groups such as widows , orphans , the unemployed or to Jews who converted to Christianity , sometimes to anyone in visible need .
8 It is important to remember that a very large percentage of jobs never come on to the open market but are filled from within the firm , by people applying ‘ on spec. ’ or by people who hear about a vacancy from friends or colleagues working in the same field .
9 Not in appearance which has changed little , nor in character which remains in essence that of a medieval settlement , but the former strongly individual atmosphere of the place , the aura of bygone days , has been destroyed by the coming of the motor car which increasingly has taken away the privacy of the little town .
10 When they ran out of moonlight , he had a bat 's sixth sense in the darkness , a quality not shared by Sam who bumped into him repeatedly , nor by Rose who bumped into Sam .
11 ‘ Difference ’ is also an object of frequent feminist debate about the nature of differences between women and men , and of differences between women and between men which interact with these gender-related patterns ( Barrett 1987 ) .
12 Second , the age at which people marry is closely related to their ability to set up an independent household , and for women who married under the age of 20 the numbers sharing accommodation with relatives changed little between the 1950s and the 1970s ( Holman , 1981 ) .
13 And for Mum it had to be Tom or Englebert .
14 Riding holidays are organised for unaccompanied children who stay in the farmhouse and for adults who stay in the village in the Old Thistle Inn .
15 It is the heading used as a catch-all , for some of the multidisciplinary theses characteristic of work in Scotland , and for others which fit into no other clearly defined category .
16 Analyses of changes in quality of life were performed separately for patients whose scores were all normal before treatment and for patients who had at least one score ( global score or subgrouping ) that was abnormal — that is , more than two standard deviations above results in normal people .
17 Together with the London boroughs , the LAB attaches a high priority to helping to nurture the audiences , performers and producers of the future through its support for the arts in schools and for organisations which work for young people .
18 He stayed awake and after midnight he went to the room which Kate 's mother had set aside for his father to write about birds in .
19 Next morning , Tuesday , they slept late , and after breakfast they walked in the garden .
20 Clovis Sangrail listened silently to this conversation , and after lunch he spoke to Lord Pabham in the smoking-room .
21 Paxton made him foreman of works at Prince 's Park , Liverpool , in 1844 , and after completion he remained as superintendent .
22 I discovered that some of my results did not agree with those of other observers , and of course everything depends upon the quality of one 's eyesight .
23 There was some policemen from Cambridge County and they were handpicked , two brothers came among that little group , and they each weighed over twenty stone , these two brothers , and of course everybody referred to them , as the two tinies .
24 And of course we agreed with her .
25 Yes , well I mean we 're aware of that and of course we went through this question of distances on Friday .
26 and of course we arrived in Harlow on the train and we could n't see any new buildings anywhere , you know near Harlow Mill
27 They also had to survive the effect of a highly corrosive atmosphere at red heat and a hundred times the atmospheric pressure on Earth , and of course they had to be transparent to infrared radiation .
28 my Lord , this is a problem which erm your Lordship 's had submissions from both parties and of course it goes to specialist separates , first of all one identifies , one takes one and strikes out the defending clauses within the agreements that infringe article eighty five on then applies the , the test of severance to see whether the residual agreements remain or stand , but we certainly have not depleted that the entire arrangement avoid but we pleaded the restrictions are avoid , my Lord er and that 's important because it could lead to consequence and we 're pleading it that and if for example er power in the erm standard form agency agreement was rendered void because it was an unlawful restriction , it does n't mean to say that erm an agent er a name might not of instructed an agent to write business , what we 're saying is they may not have instructed him to write all of the business that he did in fact did er write for example L M X spiral and , now if , if a particular defendant can say well have I been well you know proper position that I would of been and the restrictions not been in place I would of instructed the agent to do precisely what he did , then of course he has no defence , that 's a que that 's a point , if he says well erm I , the facts suggest and established that I would never , ever have allowed the agents to underwr to write L M X spiral business and , and the only reason he was able to do that was because of the restrictions then he can escape liability for that part of the business underwritten
29 Grandfather 's wage was the magnificent sum of twelve shillings per week and of course he lived in a tied cottage .
30 And of course there was a thing we w a lot of the work in the mills was in or Selkirk and of course you went to the early train in the morning , there was a train from Galashiels to and it was full of workers going to the mills in and of course if you going er to work in a mill there , your , your foreman would come , you would draw the tools , at the , the night before you went to the job , you would take them there to the train in the morning , and meet the foreman and you would go to do the job and the same to Selkirk .
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