Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [adj] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As it takes approximately three or four days to clear a personal cheque , more hotels are adopting the policy of only accepting personal cheques for payments in advance , or with seven day 's notice if payment of the bill is to be made by cheque .
2 I do not want to know what she intends doing in a year 's time or in 10 years ' time , because she will not be in government then .
3 Follow your own energy , and do whatever attracts you — bearing in mind that an exercise might be helpful next week , or in six months ' time , rather than now .
4 At the end of five years , you 've got the option er and you can er then extend the er into the erm er next issue if you wish , or you can go on the extension rate , which is n't usually good , or in index-linked certificates ' case , they 'll perhaps give you indexation , but no er bonuses .
5 And his adviser said well Mr President you did say we should get rid of the missiles in Turkey but you did n't say when you know , you did n't say by Tuesday morning at ten o'clock or by next week or in three months ' time , you just said withdraw the missiles from Turkey .
6 Pensions from previous employments or from deceased spouse 's employer .
7 Then , accurate predictions can be made from the blood ( DNA ) : for example , one will be able to predict that a healthy child will die in his or her forties from Huntington 's chorea or from familial Alzheimer 's disease .
8 Grand confrontations in restaurants or at other people 's dinner parties are thus excluded .
9 Similar rules apply to loans and advances to credit institutions , with the additional categories of amounts payable on demand or at seven days ' notice and those payable within three months , although here where amounts are repayable by instalments each instalment is to be treated as a separate amount .
10 Those who have not been following the series are advised to read Part 1 ( November , 1991 issue ) since this gives certain background information about the National Curriculum and about this month 's topic which is information-transmission systems .
11 Lucinda lay , gazing upward , thinking about her mother so far away in London and about last night 's misfortune , which would have pleased the Countess greatly : three miserable women spending the night on a hard station bench .
12 Despite its title , and for all Fraser 's grave and civil investigative demeanour , the book does not exhibit this past as something to be searched for , uncovered , so much as something which is unfindable , interminable .
13 And for all Karan 's bravado , it is one which will be settled not by Vestel , but by Polly Peck 's London administrators .
14 Because no one had any idea of how to treat his illness , Moritz was kept in a locked ward for his own and for other patients ' safety .
15 This kind of mutuality can certainly happen between friends , though there must be a clear understanding by each as to the nature of the exercise , a proper respect for confidences and for each other 's judgment .
16 In this connection , the court has to recall that freedom of expression , as secured in paragraph 1 of article 10 , constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic society and one of the basic conditions for its progress and for each individual 's self-fulfilment .
17 The Sergeant was a meaty slab of a man , of fifty years ' service , ruddy-faced as though surfeited with a Marine 's haemoglobin-plus blood ; and through one Lyman 's earlobe he wore an alien foetus pendant .
18 Central South will be following the team 's progress over in the States and through next year 's display season in the UK .
19 Thirteen patients were studied before and after 2–12 weeks ' treatment with metronidazole 800 mg/day , while maintaining an unchanged NSAID intake .
20 From there , he took a direct flight to Larnaca , Cyprus , and after four hours ' sleep , caught the midnight ferry to Jounieh .
21 It was what came before , during and after each day 's ride that was rigorous .
22 The spring day was unseasonably warm , and after two hour 's tuition she went into the clubhouse .
23 After Franco 's death and after 38 years ' absence he returned to Spain in 1977 , at the invitation of Suárez , and was in 1978 appointed president of the Catalonian regional government .
24 And after last night 's performance of Hamlet , some of his friends from the theatre had come back with him for an informal reading of their next play .
25 This competition has eluded United since its inception in 1961 , and after last season 's defeat by Sheffield Wednesday there must have been doubts that they would ever win it .
26 Promotion prospects are good and after 2 years ' training your salary should rise to £19,680 or more .
27 The course is of three years ' duration if French is taken as a minor subject and of four years ' duration if taken as a major or joint subject .
28 The tradition stems from long familiarity of the conductor and singers with the opera in hand and with each other 's performance , so that a unified approach can be felt on all sides .
29 On the other hand , he clearly looks to God as his Father , and into this Father 's hand he commits his spirit when he dies .
30 Last year 12 police posts were filled with civilians and under this year 's programme 20 more officers will be released for crimebusting duties .
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