Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] was [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His value was partly to bewilder those Americans who felt that to dilute hard liquor with tonic water or soda was in some way unmanly .
2 I 'm talking about the the overshoot , and my comments about greenfield sites were related to period eighty one to ninety two , and it became quite clear during the eighties that the sketch plan green belt or development was at that time , through the eighties , was by and large abutting onto the urban area , that er through the eighties what everybody understood to the sketch plan green belt was tight up against er the urban area , so in resisting urban greenfield sites erm on the urban edge through the eighties the County Council were recognizing the greenbelt constraints .
3 This is not , of course , to say that an impecunious clerk or curate was of equal status with a great lay lord , duke or count , or that a simple peasant woman had the rights of a noble lady , for medieval society was a stratified , or hierarchical , one , in which power was conceived as coming downwards from God to His spiritual and temporal vice-gerents : popes , emperors , kings and bishops .
4 Golf 's leading TV commentator and raconteur was in tremendous form as he led his team of former Ryder Cuppers to victory over the former Walker Cuppers in The Grand Match at Deal .
5 The judicial institutions of Europe were governed by a series of contradictions , Jurisdiction and administration were regarded as essentially one process , and the court in which they were carried out was the central institution of any monarchy or principality : the maintenance of justice and law was in many people 's eyes the king 's supreme function .
6 A minibus took me through the early morning light to Makindye , in the southern suburbs of the city , where the first Uganda National Women 's Festival of Music and Drama was in full swing in a large church hall .
7 Then , we were plagued with union disruption of industry , the nationalised industries lost millions and inflation was in double figures .
8 The stencilled letters and numerals in Braque 's Portugais are the prelude to the introduction of collage into Cubist painting , and collage was in many ways the logical outcome of the Cubist aesthetic .
9 He had fought the successful battle of Alam Halfa at the beginning of September , and planning was in full swing for a major offensive at El Alamein to take place in early November .
10 The role of " parallel " NIF-dominated systems of security and control was of particular concern to human rights organizations .
11 ( 2 ) That , although the scope of Code C of the Codes of Practice ( 1985 ed. ) extended beyond persons in detention , it was intended to protect suspects who were , or thought themselves to be , vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers , and applied where a suspect was being questioned about an offence by a police officer acting as such for the purpose of obtaining evidence ; that , since the appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such and conversation was on equal terms , there could be no question of pressure or intimidation by the officers as persons actually or believed to be in authority ; and that , accordingly , Code C did not apply in the circumstances and the judge 's approach could not be faulted ( post , p. 237C–E , H ) .
12 There is an ‘ élitist thread ’ in such places , and joining was by oligarchic selection and specific invitation , followed by a suitably off-beat initiation .
13 This lack of sophistication and coordination was in marked contrast to the behaviour of the Siberian peasant representatives in the Dumas .
14 The notion that curricular breadth and balance was in any case the government 's chief policy goal deserves to be treated with scepticism .
15 For Gramsci , the ‘ superstructure ’ of ideology , law and politics was of great significance in the revolutionary struggle in an advanced capitalist society .
16 His own father , Prince Philip , was in the Navy for much of his childhood and the relationship between father and son was in any event a difficult one .
17 The median interval to cord clamping in the random group was 10 seconds , and clamping was within 20 seconds in all but one case ( 25 seconds ) .
18 But brightness was in short supply as his players trooped off to a crescendo of boos .
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