Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] over [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , some argue that there has been little growth or development over the years in the service .
2 The tenants gain great skill and experience over the years in serving the public and in running their public houses .
3 The almost inherent suspicion the police have of strangers was in the RUC 's case added to by worries about whether their personal security would be compromised and concern over the intentions of the police management .
4 I have developed considerable regard and affection over the years for Jack Profumo , who has worked his passage after having been what is technically described as ‘ disgraced ’ in circumstances where a great number of people would not have been over-censorious .
5 In 1832 the new Prussian Oberpräsident Edward Flotwell supervised the introduction of a property qualification into municipal elections — a manoeuvre that automatically increased the influence and power over the Poles of the German settlers , burghers and merchants .
6 But controversy over the allegations of child abuse continued .
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