Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [vb pp] [conj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Trade magazine Estates Times will not print the details of deals unless the property 's address , size , rent or price involved and size of any premium paid are included .
2 The chancel would be used for a bar , the pulpit and font used as containers for plants , and the nave filled with fixed ‘ banquette ’ seating in booths .
3 A great camaraderie and friendship evolved and miracle of miracles , he settled down for some years before a dark-haired , dark-eyed endomorph stole his heart for good .
4 Yet once the oestrogen is replaced by HRT , most women find their confidence and self-esteem restored and problems with mood-swings , forgetfulness and anxiety considerably alleviated .
5 Zuwaya style and etiquette required that people in polite company should not set out arguments of principle , arranged in a hierarchy of priorities , so that they might read off right courses of action from agreed schedules of value .
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