Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [noun pl] [pron] [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Right , they 're the make or break areas which comprise your job .
2 Here we have to work around not only a collection of possessions which have become part of our lives , but also carpets or curtains or wall coverings we feel we ca n't afford to replace .
3 Those working in the psychological tradition devise tasks or tests that are believed to place varying levels of demand on the cognitive , sensory , or motor capacities we believe our subjects to possess .
4 When people publish prescriptive grammar books , or dictionaries which tell you how to spell words or style manuals which tell you how to punctuate , they are either making their own choice between different possible ( in many cases , arbitrary ) rules or conforming to rules which have been selected at some point by others from a range of possibilities and passed down through history .
5 Once you have the additional hardware and/or telephone services you require you can use its facilities to access online services , bulletin boards and so on .
6 I can only say that in dealing with derelict land , providing new jobs and building factories we dwarf anything that the Labour party ever contemplated .
7 Now there are savings and investment schemes which allow you either to put in a lump sum or tuck away regular savings .
8 Open country with scattered trees and bushes , often near rivers , in whose sandy banks and in the sides of sand and gravel pits they dig their usually colonial nest holes .
9 These include the marvellous Thunder Thighs which give players stamina , and Speed Boots which make your squad even faster .
10 I 'm caught in the cross-fire between on one side the US which wants to export computers , the motor and textile industries which complain they can not modernise and thus compete without a change in the law , and on the other side the Brazilian computer industry which argues we are leading them into bankruptcy .
11 It should be remembered , however , that in a dynamic market where demand and supply conditions are continually changing , it is extremely difficult for firms to find the price and output levels which achieve their objectives .
12 resorted to by the most abandoned characters — poachers , smugglers and night depredators who pass their time in playing at cards for the expenses of the night , in raffling for game and poultry , and concocting plans for future mischief … and not one in ten sells home-brewed beer .
13 In our search for the ideal occupational therapy we have examined motorised objects ( boring , according to the hens ) and water pumps which moisten their dry food ( more fun ) .
14 Efforts to make places more accessible have resulted in a proliferation of signposts , turnstiles , fences , car parks , souvenir shops and snack bars which do nothing to enhance the beauty of an area , but in many cases spoil its character as well as the environment .
15 They have prospered along with the chemical companies and machinery manufacturers who supply them .
16 Indeed , for all firms there must exist output levels and profit margins which maximise their profits .
17 The care of the war graves in civil cemeteries and churchyards is generally entrusted to local and church authorities who maintain them in agreement with the Commission .
18 These discussions will include representatives from supply and end-user companies which gain their competitive edge from putting advanced information technology into their products .
19 The former Dynasty star Joan jetted in from the south of France where she is working on her latest book , My Secrets , in which she discloses the health and beauty tips which keep her looking so young .
20 Shooting , it says , to become a billion dollar company by the end of its fiscal year in June , Silicon Graphics Inc last week unveiled a raft of new hardware and software products which expand its current ranges upwards .
21 Shooting , it says , to become a billion dollar company by the end of its fiscal year in June , Silicon Graphics Inc last week unveiled a raft of new hardware and software products which expand its current ranges upwards .
22 A Unionist past of failure and frustration from the doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country and tell us we could not survive without London ; or an independent future of hope , vision and self respect , as Scots regain our rightful place as equal partners in the European family of nations . ’
23 Therefore , in the present study these interactions were studied in a strictly controlled experiment with rats , using dietary calcium and phosphate concentrations which mimic their concentrations in animal and human diets .
24 The events and power struggles which engulf them result in kidnapping , jealousy and romance !
25 The anti-hunt lobby , likening the pastime to murder … the pro-hunt supporters demanding the freedom to deal with vermin … and tenant farmers who rent their land from the council and want to make their own decision about any ban .
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