Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [subord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Incidence of mortality or admission to hospital because of coronary heart disease ; total mortality .
2 Examples include a driver being stung by bees , having an epileptic fit or loss of control because of a latent defect provided the driver did not and could not reasonably be expected to know of the defect .
3 The complicated picture that emerges from this variability in the relative expectations that we have of reward or loss from criminal as against conforming behaviour is compounded by the fact that our different needs and requirements may often pull in quite different directions .
4 Finally , there is a bunch of allegations that the ISI approach can exaggerate the significance of one piece , type , or area of work as against another .
5 There are claims that more and more people are turning to begging or prostitution in Nottingham because of homelessness .
6 It has been claimed by some writers that distinctive feature analysis is not irrelevant to the study of language learning , and that pronunciation difficulties experienced by learners are better seen as due to the need to learn a particular feature or combination of features than as the absence of particular phonemes .
7 They found the same general correlation between socio-economic variables and level of expenditure as in primary education .
8 It is therefore rather more as a tool for the analysis of the nature and functioning of states than as a theory of the emergence of the State that Marx 's and Engels 's views are still acceptable to present-day anthropologists .
9 Synthesis of proteins by the human liver , both structural and secretory , is of interest and relevance in patients because of the hepatic involvement in the acute phase response .
10 We read qualities like sincerity , anger , sexuality and warmth into performers because of the way they organize the signs of their personality .
11 The third form of patronage is again distinct , in that it is concerned less with the direct retaining and commissioning of artists than with the provision of some kind of social protection or recognition .
12 The perceptive Boris Chicherin spotted as early as 1858 that The Bell was " better at throwing government and society into confusion than at suggesting the precise path they should follow " .
13 The proposal has evoked both indignation and humour with suggestions as to how art treasures can be divided by their national characteristics .
14 Editor Mike Carlin revealed : ‘ There will be a lot of death and destruction around Metropolis because of the fight with Doomsday .
15 We appreciate our rights and value as individuals while respecting those of others .
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