Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He went to work for the Gas Light & Coke Company at Beckton in 1908 but he soon chafed at not being given the free rein to which he had become accustomed at Davis Bros .
2 He quoted from the life of Carey and Prayer call of Fuller in 1784 where he says , ‘ Let the whole interest of the Redeemer be affectionately remembered ’ , and he went on to say we are called to WORK not a holiday .
3 The current strategy for a slimmer Nobel , through divestment and consolidation , follows a hectic expansion and investment programme by Nobel in recent years .
4 Lee Kuan Yew 's son Lee Hsien Loong took over Goh 's post as PAP first assistant secretary-general and remained a Deputy Prime Minister ; however , he had given up the Trade and Industry portfolio in mid-November after announcing that he was undergoing treatment for cancer .
5 Fashanu was a First Division striker and household name around Norwich at the age of eighteen , when he was prone to giving statements to the Press about making himself ‘ a big person ’ .
6 Roger 's suit and bow tie by Daks at Simpsons of Piccadilly ; Principles for Men white embroidered shirt £34.99
7 I 'm going on a sun and sand holiday in Greece for a week .
8 That is why I am passionately committed to establishing a Parliament in Scotland , and home rule for Scotland within the United Kingdom and within Europe .
9 Throughout the latter part of 1989 discussions continued on modalities for the integration of the textiles and clothing sector into GATT on the basis of strengthened GATT rules and discipline , and , particularly at the instigation of exporting countries , on proposals for the phasing out of restrictions under the Multifibre Arrangement ( MFA-see pp. 35028-29-which was due to expire in July 1990 ) .
10 Early examples include university settlements in 1913 , the Peckham Health Centre with its family club which opened in London in 1926 , Parents and Child Centre in Birmingham in 1934 , Pacifist Service Units in 1940 which became Family Service Units in 1948 and Family Advice Centres in 1965 .
11 There is a significant passenger and cargo trade with Scandinavia through Albert Edward Dock .
12 Last Session a team of four pupils from Heriot 's represented Edinburgh and South East of Scotland at the national final held in London of the ‘ Top of the Bench ’ quiz organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry .
13 On the basis of these and other clinical results , MicroGeneSys gp160 was chosen by scientists at the Karolinska Institute , the National Bacteriological Laboratory and South Hospital in Sweden for the first phase III vaccine therapy studies .
14 The first is to lay around 100 miles of cable television and telephone duct in Edinburgh for United Artists .
15 Seven Scottish Churches , including the Church of Scotland , the Scottish Episcopal Church and the Roman Catholic Church , are joining together to take a stand at the Careers 2000 Exhibition which will open at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow on Thursday .
16 Replay Productions pause briefly in their hectic schedule to perform their excellent ‘ Do n't Look Down ’ at the Old Museum Arts Centre in Belfast and the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum at Cultra for two successive weeks beginning tomorrow .
17 It 's been a difficult time for the sales and marketing team at Thame in Oxfordshire .
18 Below , Jones enjoys a cat and mouse battle with Maher in Barbados
19 Mr Crowley was amazed to find industry and leisure cheek-by-jowl in Langbaurgh without buffer zones as exist in the south .
20 Mr Bangemann explicitly appealed to other European leaders not to suggest that German reunification was an immediate political issue or one which could be decided without dramatic changes in the political and security situation in Europe as a whole .
21 The pilot scheme connects a grocery and distribution group in Dundee with a soap and toiletries manufacturer in Manchester .
22 The Lanc that been allocated to the RAF Museum was PA474 and after the end of its active life it was flown into the Museum 's storage and restoration facility at Henlow on September 25 , 1964 , to await the opening of a new museum .
23 HAVING disposed of their pubs and disco estate in Scotland to Scottish & Newcastle Breweries , Stakis are now looking to sell off the 14-strong Firkin pub chain bought from European Leisure only a year ago .
24 She attended the Anglo-French College in Kensington and boarding school at Malvern before spending a year in Dresden studying German .
25 ‘ The results were encouraging in that we saw the benefits of assessments which enabled gaps in skills to be identified , ’ said , head of functional training at Courtaulds ' Training , Education and Development Centre at Woodside in the UK .
26 Jerry , 29 , caters for guests from around the world as head chef at Courtaulds ' Training , Education and Development Centre in Woodside near Coventry .
27 The hon. Gentleman is obviously unaware of the substantial investment in the research and development programme in Scotland on renewable energies .
28 The 24-year-old , who has proved excellent value for his price of £25,000 , suffered ruptured knee ligaments and cartilage damage at Halifax on Sunday and will be in plaster for at least six weeks .
29 He took on his new role supervising a training and selection course on Saturday at Jow Walton 's Youth Centre , Berwick Hills , Middlesbrough .
30 This magnificent Ducal mansion built in 1674 , houses the first municipal museum and art gallery outside London for fine and applied arts .
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