Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [that] [pron] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is essential if you are to have a clear mind about each particular job and interview that you keep your applications and all the information relevant to them methodically filed and easily accessible .
2 She was n't aware of how her voice softened when she said the word ‘ Mother ’ , although she did know that the precepts of morality and etiquette that she remembered her mother spelling out to her were the ones she kept most assiduously .
3 He told his mother and father that he found their whole system of religion abhorrent .
4 I entreat you both That , being of so young days brought up with him And sith so neighboured to his youth and haviour That you vouchsafe your rest here in our court Some little time , so by your companies To draw him on to pleasures , and to gather So much as from occasion you may glean , Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus , That opened lies within our remedy .
5 At the only time in his life when he would have liked to he was so crushed by doubt and diffidence that he kept his eyes scrupulously trained upon the ground , or the table in front of him , or the wall behind the shoulder of the person concerned .
6 Denis could imagine Hardy telling the others in the unit about Hurley 's old man , such a reliable , dependable , loyal , Irish subject of King and country that he answered His Britannic Majesty 's call to arms and fought across the seas under the British Crown for the rights of small nations !
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