Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [that] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But it was theocratic kingship that was the foundation of his policy and his rulership rather than a kingship or emperorship that looked to the pope for sanction and direction .
2 Since we must have some way of linking each component to the next one in the structure , each component must contain a link or pointer that points to the next component in the structure .
3 Most of Gould 's time on this first brief visit to Yarrundi was spent in pursuit of one particular bird — the Menura or lyre-bird that abounded in the cedar brush on the slopes of the Liverpool Range .
4 Outside the plant , middle-aged women who once worked in it spend their time methodically abusing every car , van or lorry that drives through the gates .
5 Or rosemary that shakes in the world 's breeze .
6 the regular folded array with adjacent re-entry of the chains , but with some loose folding and emergent chain ends or cilia that contribute to the disordered surface , or
7 When I looked down once more I saw , gleaming in the darkness , a long pin or needle that projected from the cane 's tip .
8 Moreover , under section 245 of the Code , bodily harm includes any hurt or injury that interferes with the health or comfort of the complainant and that is more than merely transient or trifling in nature .
9 Even afterwards , when I was a teenager , I paid for my bad timing , coming just too early to enjoy the fun and freedom that waited round the corner .
10 Finally , it is pointed out that if times are indeed bad then , in the name of justice and humanity , more rather than less should be spent on those services in cash and kind that cater for the welfare of those in need .
11 In the preamble to the final version of the Declaration released by Egyptian officials , contracting parties reaffirmed their " rejection of the aggressive course and alignment that occurred during the Iraqi aggression and occupation of the state of Kuwait " and recognized that it had " destroyed many of the concepts and achievements of joint Arab action " .
12 There is a freshness and enthusiasm that communicate with the listener and the recording , too , is eminently acceptable .
13 Many interesting works of English Literature of the past remain unedited and unavailable , and it is a pity that the ingenuity and assiduity that goes into the labour , or play , of interpretation could not be directed to the truly useful work of editing these texts .
14 Seen now , these early British films still have a feeling of freshness and spontaneity that derives from the natural performances of non-actors , and a loose approach to framing which allows interesting material to get in at the edge of the picture .
15 There is intense speculation that the massive cloud of dust and debris that shot into the upper atmosphere last April when the Mexican volcano , the El Chichon erupted may be to blame .
16 Predictably , you seem to be getting all the flak for the Bill Davis/Alan Coren years of stagnation and complacency that led to the Punch you inherited a while back .
17 France 's regional structure , one of the glories of the Mitterrand years , quickly became government of the local bigwigs , for the local bigwigs , by the local bigwigs , and it was rage against patronage and pork-barrelling that led to the rejection vote in the French elections .
18 Despite the significance of the nuclear arms race , the mutual hostility and rivalry that developed between the superpowers ( the Soviet Union and the United States ) and their allies was not primarily a military conflict , but was founded on the mutual incompatibility of socialist and capitalist economic systems .
19 In conclusion , it is clear that from this examination of the state of weaponry and warfare throughout the reign of Barbarossa , and given that he lived to the age of 70 , he must have experienced many of the gradual changes and improvements in arms and armour that occurred during the twelfth century .
20 The counselling task is not only to understand what each individual is saying , but also to spot the differences , the possible areas of friction and incompatibility that exist within the family , and then to interpret and explain these to the family group .
21 Geikie developed a talent for paying particular attention to individual traits of feature and form and character that appeared in the men and women he met .
22 Of equal importance are the source and nature of the raw materials and of the effort and organisation that lie behind the crafts and skills described .
23 The term ‘ New Criticism ’ is usually used for the literary theory and criticism that began with the work of I.A. Richards and T.S .
24 Omnibus chronicled all this with exemplary thoroughness but finally elided the real aesthetic questions — of a battle between art that invites the viewer to think and art that passes through the mind leaving only a sugary trace of complacent pleasure .
25 The pessimistic thing was , the Hobbesians always looked back to the past , some golden age of order in the past , you know , when , when people knew what to do and er , and er , things were right as it were , and th they tend to want to restore some ideal state of order and authority that existed in the past , which was much better than now , because civilization has gone to the dogs , and been corrupted and so on .
26 Venture inside and you would be wise to wear a respirator to filter off the stench , and clothing that will protect you from the steady rain of droppings and urine that falls from the ceiling .
27 In historical terms , he wants to re-establish the late 18th century symbiosis of research and economy that led to the growth of Germany 's industrial giants such as AEG , Bosch and Siemens .
28 AT THE time of the last Gusher , the Safety project team were actively investigating trends in accident type and frequency that applied to the platforms and trades particularly relevant to WGEC .
29 The hill ground varied tremendously , from fairly productive grass covered hills in parts of Wales to the rock and heather that abound in the North of Scotland .
30 This mythical treatment of dictatorship not only gives the novel a more universal dimension , but communicates the fundamental struggle between human decency and selfishness that lies behind the political struggle .
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