Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [be] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A visual check of the general condition of the water or effluent is normally made when a sample is taken , and other inspections are often made without sampling .
2 Scientists in the academic community achieve recognition , advancement , and success in attracting funding by publication , whereas some of those working in industry or defence are neither encouraged nor expected to contribute to the publicly available literature ( Gilbert 1978 74 ) .
3 Scientists in the academic community achieve recognition , advancement , and success in attracting funding by publication , whereas some of those working in industry or defence are neither encouraged nor expected to contribute to the publicly available literature ( Gilbert 1978 ) .
4 All hits against the chariot in hand-to-hand or shooting are randomly allocated as shown below .
5 We will pay £5,000 if you and/or your wife or husband are accidentally injured and within 3 months of the accident the injury is the only cause of
6 We will pay £5,000 if you and/or your wife or husband are accidentally injured and within 3 months of the accident the injury is the only cause of
7 Thus local views on Sunday observance or prohibition are often disregarded and only views of the more vocal section of the community heeded .
8 We may say that a living body or organ is well designed if it has attributes that an intelligent and knowledgeable engineer might have built into it in order to achieve some sensible purpose , such as flying , swimming , seeing , eating , reproducing , or more generally promoting the survival and replication of the organism 's genes .
9 Roger & Gallet 's newly formulated and packaged colognes in four fragrances : Extra Vieille , Lavande Royale , Vetyver , Bouquet Impérial ; £13.25/100ml , from major chemists
10 The system for investing students as or granting was thoroughly reformed and reorganized in the mid-sixteenth century , as mentioned below , but it existed in some form , difficult to define precisely , from well before that time .
11 Looking at how people 's behaviour or performance is either improved or detracted from in the presence of others .
12 ( The top level directory of a VMS device or pseudo-device is always treated as though it were a directory file named 000000 .
13 WHEN Mrs Patricia Thompson 's newly-acquired Party Politics ran out a supremely topical winner of the Martell Grand National at Aintree on Saturday , no horse or man was seriously injured and only five of the 40 runners actually fell .
14 If the cause or matter is properly characterised as criminal , it can not lose that character simply because at one stage it is carried forward by techniques which closely resemble those employed in civil matters , or which lead to relief often granted in civil matters , or which are available in civil or criminal matters alike ; any more than , having gained this new character by the employment of such techniques , it would revert to its former status when the deployment of the techniques came to an end .
15 Any work in the house or garden is completely spoilt when the shooting is on
16 An early printed book which has escaped the attention of the illuminator or rubricator is often described as ‘ untouched ’ .
17 Creativity and ingenuity are widely distributed and evident in the natural activities of children outside school .
18 The borderline between teasing and victimisation was easily crossed as Herbert Gale ( Hans Groschler ) discovered :
19 But in the very early 1970s the dangers of infantile obesity and dehydration were well publicized and the rate of tiny babies in Sheffield being fed unmodified milk powder dropped from 90 per cent to 0 per cent .
20 Carbon monoxide and hydrogen are also excluded since , while always present , their concentrations are negligible .
21 At the age of 18 her body was crushed in a streetcar accident ; her spine , leg and foot were badly broken and an iron rail pierced her body .
22 Inside , the west end , nave and crossing are now restored though the woodwork is all modern .
23 The relationship between objectives and evaluation and assessment is clearly stated and is practically based .
24 The relationship between printer and buyer is then strengthened if , over time , the printer builds up an excellent knowledge of the customer 's business .
25 If the key and password are properly authenticated and used in connection with an encryption and algorithm , an erroneous transmissions should be clearly evident because it would not be readable by the recipient as a result of the failure of the process of message decryption .
26 As for the criteria for granting postgraduate awards , postgraduate study and research are academically demanding and candidates should be selected by competition to ensure that the resources available are used as effectively as possible .
27 Continuity and discontinuity are similarly measured and interpreted as essentially cultural phenomena and so discussed in terms of ‘ acculturation ’ .
28 Content and methodology are closely linked and both are decided at this stage in the planning .
29 A frequent complaint of black students is that their reports of racial abuse and violence are habitually ignored or their racial elements denied by white teachers .
30 Elephants , leopard , deer and bear were either shot or forced to move to the lowlands , which the colonists did not particularly covet .
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