Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [be] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If a product or service is to be successful in the marketplace , then the organization itself must be designed to meet its conditions .
2 ( 6 ) Where any part of the portfolio or account is to be available for investment in contingent liability transactions ( such as futures ) , the maximum amount or percentage so available .
3 To say , following Habermas , that cultural modernization is a process of differentiation and autonomization and that postmodernization is a process of de-differentiation and implosion is to be content with a purely descriptive analysis of cultural change .
4 If exchange and completion is to be simultaneous , conditions precedent are often included as a checklist for all parties .
5 The examples are not always abstract ballets , because the three aspects described above are applicable to most choreography if music and dance are to be equal partners in a ballet .
6 if information flow and exchange is to be effective it must be planned
7 The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole , and also no attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul , and therefore if the head and body are to be well you must begin by curing the mind : that is the first thing … .
8 Ideally , the roles of husband and wife were to be complementary , the husband earning the wage and the wife acting as ‘ chancellor of the family exchequer ’ and spending it wisely .
9 Diplomatic representatives were to reside in Edo , and trade was to be free of official intervention , with more ports due to be opened in future years .
10 First , if holism and individualism are to be distinct , causation and autonomy must be mutually exclusive categories : if the autonomous character of action is to stand in the way of the truth of determinism , actions can not at the same time be caused .
11 Chapter and verse were to be forthcoming when the deal was settled .
12 Having grown up under the nose of the Israeli war machine , young Palestinians have come to the conclusion that , in the world they inhabit , might is right and the only way to survive and flourish is to be strong and violent .
13 That scepticism and memory were to be important when he became an archbishop and was expected to be a leader in the organization .
14 If there is , and if both music and commentary are to be pre-recorded onto parallel tracks of a cued tape , the stop-start transfer routine can not be used : the sound tape has to be run non-stop , and we are then back with problems of tape-to-tape synchronisation .
15 The design and layout is to be similar to last year 's calendar .
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