Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Officials at Japan 's Ministry of International Trade & Industry now say that they 're tired of quibbling over market share figures with the US , and say they do n't intend to allow the US to establish a new market share goal in upcoming semiconductor talks , which will begin in Hawaii next Tuesday , the Wall Street Journal reports — ‘ Because there was a controversy over the old 20% figure , which was taken as some form of commitment , we have no intention of referring to any new numbers ’ Koji Matsui , deputy director of the industrial electronics division of the Ministry declared .
2 Business and pleasure only mix when you 're wielding the cocktail shaker .
3 All three write that he went on the pilgrimage in 822 , al-Makrizi saying that he had gone by way of Damascus , Ibn Hajar and al-Sayrafi possibly implying that he went from Jerusalem since they write that he " returned " there after the pilgrimage : the two versions are not , of course , mutually exclusive in any case , and the latter two authors may well mean no more than that he returned [ from the pilgrimage ] to Jerusalem .
4 It 's a marvellous chance for Dana , and Roman obviously recognises that she 's an outstanding model . ’
5 Ivanisevic and Co. naturally argue that it is unfair to alter the regulations as it would interfere with the natural development of the game .
6 And yet with each succeeding year both my guilt and inferiority somehow diminish as I witness the old country ways vanish .
7 Extensive calcareous flowstone and stalactite deposits are developed at spring discharge points in fractured bituminous limestones and combustion-metamorphosed marbles : the ground water is saturated with calcium hydroxide , with the consequence that calcite and aragonite rapidly precipitate when it comes into contact with atmospheric carbon dioxide .
8 He spent three afternoons a week , from Tuesday to Thursday , at Russell Square ; although he was still active as an editor , at least with the work of those authors who were now also old friends , age and reputation necessarily meant that he was now much more of a " figurehead " than once he was .
9 He was in his forties and his manner and speech clearly indicated that he belonged to a much higher social class than Atkins and his colleagues .
10 But insolvency again intervened and he died in the Fleet prison in 1683 .
11 But survivalism also demands that you conquer inner threats or weaknesses , harden yourself against feeling and femininity — NWA , for example , see all women as harpies and exploiters , and prefer sadistic/anal/oral sex to anything more involving .
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