Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [verb] to [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 After a short delay time ( 10 -8 s ) the excited atom or molecule returns to its former energy state and may emit radiation in the form of light , alpha- , beta- or gamma-rays .
2 He asks what each legislator might do , in the position he happens to occupy , to reduce the total number of incidents of injustice or unfairness according to his own views of what justice and fairness require .
3 Remove " the tough talk , all the swagger and the patriotic posturing " , he said , " and protectionism amounts to nothing more than a smokescreen for a country that 's running scared " .
4 All the visitors brought home with them visual memories of the sights they had seen , the feelings they had experienced and , in particular , the tremendous warmth and hospitality extended to us all by the Norwegians .
5 But death comes to us all , ’ said the prince in surprise .
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