Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] because [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although my emotions were engaged , or perhaps because they were engaged , a flash of revelation lit my intellect .
2 Ninety per cent of women who visit the clinic with hair loss problems are deficient in iron through dieting or simply because they are run down or have been ill .
3 Producers responded to the critical backlash with a self-deceiving debate about whether British films did poorly because they were bad , or simply because they were suspected of being so .
4 Erm , and perhaps because he was becoming too friendly with Josephine , he was sent to Spain by Bonaparte , but then he fell out with Bonaparte , and Bonaparte fell out with him , and he was put under surveillance by the erm , the President , and erm , it makes you wonder what really went wrong .
5 And all because he 's determined to crush whatever spirit of independence Peter has .
6 And just because you 're cutting down on time , you do n't have to cut down on performance .
7 The criminal justice system projects itself above social conflicts and expects to be recognized as fair and just because it is guided by universal principles that transcend sectional interests .
8 This cadaver will call for more extensive ‘ treatment ’ by the embalmer , due partly to the delay it causes and partly because what is perceived by him to be often unwarranted mutilation .
9 I went often , partly because I enjoyed dancing and partly because we were offered the most delicious cakes , of a sort that was almost impossible to obtain except on the black market .
10 I did it partly for aesthetic reasons ; partly to economize on the number of genes necessary ( if genes did n't exert mirror-image effects on the two sides of the tree , we 'd need separate genes for the left and the right sides ) ; and partly because I was hoping to evolve animal-like shapes , and most animal bodies are pretty symmetrical .
11 The voice on the telephone seemed to be sharp and peremptory , but I did n't hear too well what it said — partly because I was only half awake and partly because I was holding the receiver upside down .
12 For the moment , however , he allowed the affair to subside , partly because Spain herself appeared to be on the verge of civil war , and as a consequence even less attractive to any possible monarch , and partly because he was awaiting developments in France where the regime appeared to be entering a moment of crisis .
13 There is also a belief that as far as possible people should be made to pay for services provided by the state , partly to reduce public expenditure and taxation , and partly because it is believed that charges will increase public pressure for services to be provided efficiently .
14 She was highly critical , however , of the terms under which the League of Nations was set up in 1919 , partly because the League was permitted the use of force and economic sanctions , and partly because it was committed to supporting the Versailles settlement , which she regarded from the start as an unjust and unstable peace .
15 We passed Cap Bon ( in the distance ) and Pantelleria , the latter at sea level — which was just as well as it was raining at the time , otherwise we might have missed it and also because we were told afterwards that there was an airfield there with Bf110s .
16 Unlike the others who appear and disappear as fashion and progress dictate , children occupy a permanent place in the list partly because of their continuing presence as a potential sub-class , partly because they have never protested and mainly because it is assumed that in favourable circumstances they will become men and therefore require attention .
17 Hayling had been excluded from becoming a Founder first because of his job policing the project for the GLC grant , and then because he was working for the company .
18 ‘ And there was I , in Prague , thinking that you would n't discuss the interview then and there because you were drained from working so long without a break . ’
19 In the station in which the unit is based ( not Easton ) , the attitude of the policemen towards it is not positive , partly as a result of their ambivalent attitudes toward sex crimes , but mostly because it is policed by women , who therefore are said to spend their time in Boots and Marks and Spencer , making it an easy duty ( FN 30/11/87 , p. 18 ) .
20 There will be a few multiples but only because they are finished works which exist essentially in that form .
21 Like the donkey it is despised by its enemies and mistreated by its friends , but only because it is bound to be treated unfairly when it is seen unrealistically .
22 Top public sector earners such as judges , senior officials and forces top brass will get a 2.9 per cent rise but only because it was negotiated last year as part of a phased increase for 1992 .
23 Well he , , well , you know but just because he 's leaving he he seems to think that he 's got to upturn the , upturn the , upturn the term .
24 The deviance of ‘ mouths ’ was in this instance amplified by direct provocation by the police , in part because one member of the force wanted some ‘ skulls ’ , but also because they were elevated into ‘ gougers ’ : the ‘ lip ’ was typical of that of gougers and they fitted the social class from which gougers come .
25 Some groups were not favourably received partly because they had little to offer the council but also because they were seen as making ‘ unreasonable ’ demands on the local authority — that is , demands which did not square with the councillors ' own policy predispositions .
26 Respectable people rejected the movies because they were thought to be trivial but also because they were thought to be corrupting and immoral .
27 The new permissive society differs from its Victorian predecessor not only by virtue of its sexual and moral freedom , but also because it is characterised by lack of agreement over questions of morality , and over the role of the state in the enforcement of morals .
28 The Government promoted Swahili as a national language not only because it was useful in administration but also because it was seen as an instrument ‘ for uniting the people of the nation 's different tribes ’ .
29 The book was an immediate success , not only for its sexual interest and its association with the notorious Maundy Gregory [ q.v. ] , but also because it was seen as introducing a new mode of biography .
30 Colin Blakemore was pilloried in 1987 and 1988 not just because his work was considered ( wrongly ) to be excessively cruel but also because it was thought to be useless .
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