Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] that be [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 it was all to do with recognising it was the middle of the winter , sun was at it 's lowest and the sun would be coming back again , and maybe that 's some sort of gut feeling
2 Training to be a doctor had n't left too much time for socialising , and maybe that was another reason why she had n't suspected that Paul was one of those rare people dogged by obsessive jealousy .
3 And then that 's another thing he always got something to eat which was a great help of those days , and especially if there was If mother was baking or anything like that he always got a scone or something , mhm .
4 Now they also , in the wake of this knowledge is the er awareness that they 're going to be interrogated on this , and they 're also sitting up there thinking ‘ what are we going to say ? ’ and indeed that 's another reason for bringing this whole incident to an end , because in a sense they are cooking up alibis and covering their backs .
5 And of course I do n't know how long do n't know how long that one 's been going for , but obviously that 's another sort of problem in some way .
6 He had done jury service four times : but surely that is another problem .
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