Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] he be [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 As to state of mind , Raskolnikov lives with his own continuously but inspects it only intermittently , like the rest of us ; whereas the author surveys the whole truth the whole time , so that we never find him wondering whether perhaps Raskolnikov is thinking this or perhaps he is thinking that : a fact which isolates Crime and Punishment among the mature novels , because elsewhere Dostoevsky loves the unsettled and unsettling narrative posture of ‘ perhaps ’ , particularly with his contracting and dilating collective voice , the ‘ we ’ swept by rumour and speculation which arrives in The House of the Dead and reaches its full flowering in The Possessed .
2 The hat and coat had been delivered the previous evening by an officer of the Kha-Khan 's guard , and since the news of Jehana 's betrothal had been spread through the court hours earlier it had to be assumed that Artai had heard of it , and that either he was inclined to forgive the offence which might be supposed to exist , or else he was pretending that he was aware of none .
3 Napoleon III was an innovator , not merely a man of his time but frequently one who was ahead of it , and so he was determined that his Court would deliberately eschew the rigid exclusivity which was the hallmark of the traditional European court structure .
4 Erm and he 's saying that you know to start with basically education has always been the preserve of the landlords , er the peasants have n't had anything to do with education , have always been poor illiterate peasants erm and now he 's saying that because the landlords have been overthrown erm suddenly peasants er have , you know , are forming erm schools and have been able to be taught various things .
5 And now he was insinuating that she would be extending her stay long enough for a tour of the whole country !
6 the different parts of the lump and today he was told that the second biopsy was clear it 's not malignant
7 They had removed him from the stifling atmosphere of the Court , but already he was finding that Civil Service protocol could be just as oppressive .
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