Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] they [vb mod] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Some of my former colleagues would agree that my recent work is unhistorical but on the contrary condemn it for this — or rather they would condemn it did they not resort to the easier course of dismissing it as the gutterings of a senile mind .
2 Or rather they can tell you that ‘ previous assumptions on the dark nature of this pigment can no longer be considered entirely operative ; indeed , we may be in total reversal scenario here , which is in line with expectations . ’
3 Clearly corporations exercise substantial discretionary controls over the timing and fullness of their responses to consumer demands , including the possibility that for a decade or more they may ignore them ’ .
4 Someone comes up to you and you only have to say you 're not interested in drugs ; sooner or later they 'll leave you alone because they 're too busy trying to find a £5 deal to bang up with in the evening .
5 ‘ Anybody with any information , no matter how silly they think it is , has to come forward as we must get these people or else they will do it again .
6 Should any fellow be passing by , he must refuse their invitation or else they will dance him to a watery grave .
7 You hardly had room enough to do your job , but you dare n't tell 'em to get out o' the way ; or else they 'd say they 'd as much right to be there as you had !
8 What will basically happen is we would organize the clearance of footpaths within Southwell boundary , and so they would give us an amount of money each year and then we would er take on , we would nominate which footpaths are to be cleared , we have got far more ideas than they have in Nottingham need attention .
9 And he had visitors and so they could hear me singing .
10 When they say to you ‘ oh well , you know , surely you do n't mind a little bit of flirtation and so on ’ I think very often that 's an entirely mendacious reply , that they know perfectly well what you 're talking about when you talk about sexual harassment , and in the context of discussions in the SCR or over dinner , they simply do n't want to have to deal with it and so they will dismiss it by way of saying ‘ well , you know , I 'm only being chivalrous , or this is the way I was brought up ’ .
11 No longer were we ‘ engagé volontaires ’ , who could be treated as nothings — we had proved ourselves to the instructors on our course , and henceforth they would treat us as legionnaires and expect us to behave as such .
12 Each of the two passages raises rather different problems , and together they will enable us to connect the issues of counterfactual analysis and voluntarism which have so far been treated separately .
13 Show them that I 'm willing to come off it and hopefully they 'll bail me out .
14 I do n't know how we shall get them out , because they are exhausted and probably they will find it difficult to walk .
15 There were customers in the shop and even they could hear it . ’
16 And then they 'll eat you , ’ said Caspar , and Fenella stared at him in horror .
17 Not unless you have to an amniocentesis and then they 'll tell you if you want ?
18 Wait till Saturday morning and then they 'll tell you then .
19 cost them bloody loads and then they 'll turn it into an absolute cack heap like it was before .
20 They do it for to keep him going and then they 'll say he says you know I 'm used to getting up at half four and going so many miles every morning for a big jog .
21 And then they 'll kill her .
22 And erm erm the tailors would come when they wanted to do any pressing of seams , or anything , and they would take the goose iron , and put it in on of the , what we call press cloths , that we pressed the And then they would douse it in the bucket of water , to get it the right heat , to start , so a cloud of steam went up .
23 I think , well we 'll hang on to it and then they can send us a reminder ca n't they ?
24 and then they can expect them at the end of like x amount of time to be able to take over a department , then when it falls apart they 're gon na be the one to take it .
25 Like to know though , in case it is anything to do with Nigel and then they can get it sorted out .
26 I have here a copy of the committee which was formed that night , and also a copy of the minutes , I 'll give each Councillor one , and then they can read it at their leisure , instead of me taking up the whole meeting .
27 Oh you can keep going though totally over the top I thought well Joseph 's was twelve ninety nine and Ben 's was fourteen nineteen ninety nine and that 's just tough that I 've got you know , I ca n't get Charlotte 's any cheaper than that , but , I mean they 're not gon na know how much I 've , they 're not gon na say well you 've got five pound more than what I have cos they 're not of that age so , that 's how I 've left it , that 's what I 'm gon na do , I 'll get her the circus and then they can swap them over and Joseph will be happy that he got something on wheels
28 But Customs and Excise still call this industrial meths unless it 's pure etha , completely pure ethanol in other words , no water in it and then they can call it absolute alcohol but they do n't specify which alcohol it is look !
29 I hope Edgar and I will have several sons , and then they will inherit it . ’
30 And then they 'd throw you to whatever man happened to be passing for the money you 'd earn for them . ’
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