Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] they [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Obair has also had reservations about private sector developments in West Belfast — or perhaps they should be called public sector developments with a private face .
2 The extra money balances are therefore available as a direct form of wealth holding , or else they can be used to purchase those financial assets which are a close substitute .
3 take up residence in caves , deserted houses or barns ; nor are they seen in enclosed places such as box canyons and gullies , or anywhere they could be trapped ;
4 And eventually they could be replaced by American products .
5 Mr. Beazley also relied on the general statements of principle in paragraphs 9 and 10 of the Peters case [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 quoted above , which he submitted echoed the general principles laid down in the Gubisch case [ 1987 ] E.C.R. 4861 ; these are important principles , to which full weight must be given , but they can not in my judgment warrant the court placing a construction on the words of article 5(1) which they can not reasonably bear , and moreover they must be balanced against another general principle , laid down for example in Kalfelis v. Bankhaus Schrôder , Mûnchmeyer , Hengst and Co .
6 The assumptions on which Modigliani and Miller base their model are very important and hence they must be described before proceeding to a formal development .
7 And maybe they would be cowed not only by the discipline but by the man who wielded it .
8 This may be also a question which you will say the districts are in a better position to answer and maybe they should be forewarned that if you say that , they will be asked that question .
9 ‘ The teachers do n't teach , the priests do n't bother , and they 're releasing all the lunatics into the community so they do n't get looked after and they 'll either pass out from exposure or starvation or kill people because they 're mad , and then they 'll be slung into prison to add to the overcrowding , and all in all it does n't make a lot of sense .
10 And then they 'll be reproduced ?
11 Before fifteen days are over , if it please God , those tambours shall be laid before you , and shall be sounded for your pleasure , and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo , that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary , Mother of God .
12 They could deliver a truce , they would deliver a truce , and then they should be spoken to .
13 Another point to remember is that flowers will wilt badly , or even die , if they are left sitting in a hot car or office all day , so if you have to buy them hours before they will be pressed , put them in plenty of water as soon as possible or , better still , buy them on your way home and then they can be pressed fairly quickly .
14 The questions can be listed in rough under the headings ( some people put each question on a card to begin with ) and then they can be moved about so as to produce what seems to be a good ‘ flow ’ for the interview .
15 A Lancefish bait placed in a convenient place in the aquarium can be used to attract them and then they can be picked off , the bait being removed afterwards , of course .
16 All is not dark in these accounts , and indeed they can be said to gleam with a quality of reflected light .
17 There is a theoretical distinction between ( 1 ) a misspelling and ( 2 ) a mis-recognition , but the results from recognition will not enable us to distinguish between them , and indeed they can be treated similarly for attempted correction .
18 Both individually and corporately they should be nourished by their relationship with God .
19 Roland Summit believed fervently in satanic ritual abuse , and followed the theory that , if a child denies abuse , that is sufficient evidence that they have been abused , and therefore they should be pushed until they break down and admit it .
20 Three , and Johnson 's knock-out punch — Pennant 's descriptions went as far into detail as Pennant wanted them to , and therefore they should be seen for what they are , not what they might have been : ‘ Here is a man six feet high and you are angry because he is not seven . ’
21 For this reason , many commercial relational DBMS enable links to be set up as an option and therefore they can be set up beforehand and executed each time they are required .
22 They , they may sort of be very submissive , B types , and therefore they can be stressed in a different way .
23 We are just as determined that people in Northern Ireland should benefit from the Government 's reforms , including fund-holding practices , and therefore they will be introduced at the earliest possible date .
24 At present they are manufactured for Canon under licence by Sussex-based Audio Electronics , but eventually they may be made in the UK by Canon itself .
25 ‘ There are many different types of lymphoma , but basically they can be divided into two groups , aggressive and non-aggressive .
26 Other chemicals media are available , but generally they can be limited to quick removal of disease treatments .
27 The two projects were seen to have differing conditions of implementation and are therefore unlikely to be synchronised in a ‘ revolutionary moment ’ , but nonetheless they can be seen as mutually supportive : struggles for democratic forms within enterprises may help to build support for broader democratic planning , while a sympathetic government pursuing the latter project could also greatly expand the opportunities for enterprise democracy by means of legal changes and financing .
28 There are no standard formats for skill descriptions but usually they can be separated into two parts : the performance and the antecedents to the performance .
29 Hence additional measurements have often had to be made and not only should these be related to an a priori hypothesis but also they may be derived from small experimental areas .
30 Lacking form , these movements had failed in 1848 — 50 , but now they would be given shape and direction by a monarchical revolution from above which would establish Prussian pre-eminence in Germany .
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