Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adv] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed so unreal and remote and fantastic and so totally away from this earth .
2 and perhaps most importantly of all :
3 Finally , and perhaps most significantly of all , test cases may be used as political catalysts ‘ to spark off a process in the political arena , ( Prosser , 1983 , p. 5 ) in the hope of extending the rights of those concerned .
4 The fact of class conflict is not denied , but is seen as only one of several sources of conflict within society ; and perhaps most crucially of all , the stratificationalist approach to class is unlike the Marxist approach in that it is used in a fairly ad hoc way as an analytic tool , rather than as part of an integrated sociohistorical theory .
5 Even before the defeat of Japan , the fears of Dexter White were being confirmed as the most ardent American multilateralists lost ground , both to their more cautious and nationalistic supporters and still more so to those who were determined to protect home markets and reduce taxes .
6 Particularly in the universities , and even more particularly in those universities which have a strong residential and sometimes collegial tradition , the experience of higher education is regarded as a unity , a totality , an organic whole ( or in more modern terms a package ) which it is neither desirable nor possible to dissect .
7 However within this age-group there is a rising proportion of those over 75 and even more so of those over 85 , who are projected to make up 12 per cent of the elderly in 2001 , compared with less than 8 per cent in 1983 .
8 The subsequent growth and proportion obtaining O level , and even more so of those obtaining CSE , means that school-leavers are now more heterogeneous in their qualifications .
9 A collective resolution of this sort of worry was at one time to employ someone to patrol the streets all night , calling out " Three o'clock and all 's well ! " or whatever , at regular intervals , providing reassurance to the sleeping citizens in their beds and even more so to any insomniacs .
10 Since Big Macs are the same the world over , the Hong Kong dollar must surely be much undervalued against the greenback — and even more so against many other currencies if , as seems likely , America 's dollar is itself still generally undervalued .
11 We know that many of them may well have undergone long and arduous journeys , having travelled many miles across many frontiers and indeed possibly even across many continents just in order to be with us here tonight .
12 But also more importantly within that says that these , The siting of development is essentially something to be decided locally .
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