Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adv] [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Universities there have started teaching the subject in English in an attempt to attract students from all over the world and so far they appear to be succeeding .
2 Consequently , the answer to question 1 is ‘ Yes ’ , and so far I agree with the decision of Morland J.
3 And when a tune like that comes along , it 's as if they 've always known that song , and so then you tap in the song and that 's why you 're doing the record .
4 Then East German police began to arrive and shortly afterwards they burst into the tunnel .
5 If you go out of the W door and immediately right you come to the fine cloister of St James .
6 And then away they go to erm .
7 They 'd start er you know one man gen mentioned er that when we get married in church erm we are making sacred vows you know we start with God but then we get busy with our living and our jobs and having our families and then somehow we forget about God and we we try to go on without him .
8 I used to work in Oldham and then then I come over here .
9 They might , in some cases , indicate a facility of explicitness , but even here we have to be careful since what is or is not explicit is always relative .
10 These groups operate sometimes in concert and at other times in opposition , but almost inevitably they seem to further their own interests at the expense of the rural working class .
11 The WEA takes its pattern partly from the history of the movement but quite largely I think from the county in which it is implanted .
12 They call themselves the cycos — well they admit they 're a little crazy — but then again you have to be to have a go at this .
13 THEIR wedding day is often the most important in any couples life , but too often they go through it in such a haze of excitement and happiness that they forget much of what has gone on .
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