Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adv] [verb] [that] they " in BNC.

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1 Britain ended the war with 475,000 houses either destroyed , or so badly damaged that they were made permanently uninhabitable .
2 On the other hand , there are some sufferers from addictive disease — Particularly cocaine users — who may for quite some time be highly respectable and law-abiding and thereby wrongly assume that they are not addicted .
3 Yet a surprisingly large proportion of market research is still based on the spending patterns of the baby boomers ' parents , and so implicitly assumes that they are all but identical .
4 His nostrils were cavernous and so finely edged that they seemed made of paper .
5 Chomsky has claimed that the principles underlying the structure of language are so specific and so highly articulated that they must be regarded as being biologically determined ; that is , as constituting part of what we call " human nature " and as being genetically transmitted from parents to children .
6 Despite the masterpieces they contain , Italy 's museums are so uninviting and so often closed that they have very few visitors : only the Uffizi is over the one million mark ( 1,048,185 ) , with the Accademia in Venice at a mere 183,474 ( compared with the London National Gallery 's four million visitors ) .
7 The Prussian government passed legislation designed to Germanise landholdings in the border districts , but these laws were so badly framed and so crudely implemented that they had exactly the reverse effect from that intended .
8 Most women grow up absolutely torn and still somehow knowing that they have to make some kind of choice .
9 They were grand princesses dancing superbly throughout , but never once suggested that they grew from girl to woman by any change of expression or ways of dancing .
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