Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [pers pn] [was/were] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or maybe it was like the ball in a roulette wheel , bouncing around and looking for the right number …
2 Hell , that was the wrong phrase — or maybe he was on the streets ?
3 And it did n't worry him when he got into the sensitive parts with his drill ; my strangled cries were of no avail and he carried on remorselessly to the end : I had the impression that Hector thought it was cissy to feel pain , or maybe he was of the opinion that suffering was good for the soul .
4 There was some fault on the phone here or else I was on the phone myself talking to Father Rooney about the Station . ’
5 Does my right hon. Friend agree that his earlier answer emphasised once again how essential and right it was for the Government to stand up against allowing homosexuality in the armed forces ?
6 Directions for the great north-south coastal highway came up and suddenly we were on a dual carriageway that cut through the remains of a giant sand slide .
7 At the forward end of that we came to a glass-panelled door , which needed no key , and suddenly we were in the comparative quietness of the drivers ' cab , right at the front of the train .
8 Otley 's voice came from the trees on the river bank and suddenly he was in the water hauling me out .
9 I graduated in 1967 and then I did postgraduate work till 1969 and so I was in a student milieu until a year before the gay movement started .
10 And so it was as the " candidate " that he spoke to them , his accent so neutral by now that he could have come from anywhere and everywhere , his green broadcloth jacket still shabby but worn as jauntily as if it had been lined with ermine , his lean , dark face handsome enough to please the women and hard enough to reassure the men .
11 The overall results at Thunder Bay again favoured Scotland and so it was with a comfortable lead that we left for our final destination .
12 And so it was with the Notting Hill Gate Classic cinema around 1969 .
13 But only the very superior pugilists made the ultimate escapes and so it was in every boxing slave 's interest to wring out his best efforts on every occasion .
14 And so it was in the light of this suspicion that I examined my friend 's body and my own .
15 When I gradually began to eat less and less it was with no thought of slimming in the normally accepted sense of the term .
16 The train pulled out of Skipton and soon we were in the Yorkshire Dales .
17 Jenna said nothing but her fingers began to unfasten his shirt , her hands caressing his skin , and soon he was in no doubt about her feelings .
18 His heavily built wife showed me my room and soon I was on the end of a bench in the small dark restaurant , supping soup with the few day-trippers ; listening to their stories .
19 She turned to look towards the shore , relieved when she saw the Sea-Fret making good headway back to Brides Haven , then a flock of screaming gulls startled her into resuming her climb , and soon she was on the Neck and starting the last , steep push towards the plateau .
20 Nigel Mansell had for years been saying : ‘ Just go out and win ! ’ , and finally he was on the point of doing precisely that .
21 Emily 's mind was partly on the enjoyable walk she had taken with Heinrich , who had unexpectedly proved a most delightful companion during the week ; partly on the bright green foulard dress she had seen on sale at Bobby 's in Margate yesterday when they visited the famous menagerie at the Grand Hall by the Sea , and partly it was on the coming evening .
22 Then an idea glimmered in one face — the idea of touching the Miracle-Worker — and instantly it was in every mind at once , with young and old alike fighting each other to be first up on the pageant .
23 Before going he had told us that firstly , all his carp had been caught on sweetcorn and bread and although fishing with boilies on one rod all week he had been able to get a take , in his words they just did not seem to eat them ; secondly , although there were plenty of carp on the surface they did not seem the least bit interested in floaters , and thirdly he was at a loss to know what one needed to do to put a cat on the bank .
24 Two dry sherries and a couple of bottles of Nuit St Georges had washed it all down and now we were onto the coffee and brandy .
25 And now they were in a worse mess .
26 Assuming that I 'd been able to drag the dinghy in a fairly straight line — though I might have gone astray a bit when I was stumbling in the mud — Joanna should be lying more or less straight ahead , and a good deal nearer than when I 'd left , for it was near high water then , and now it was about the last of the ebb .
27 When Rance gave an interview to U Saw , the former premier , on 12 September he told the Governor that he did not consider Aung San ‘ a strong character , as initially he was controlled by Than Tun and now he was in the pocket of U Ba Pe ’ .
28 During the last few days she had been sent a poison pen letter , had her life turned upside down , and now she was in the arms of the man whom she had been absolutely determined to divorce .
29 Here , however , Christians could be found — at least in some areas — in greater concentration than in the West ; socially and culturally they were on a level not very different from their non-Christian peers .
30 After all , the local cinema , the Cach , had been his dream world and here he was in the biggest Cach in the world doing more or less what he had seen ‘ the greats ’ doing in the Thirties .
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