Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 For a few anxious moments Franco thought he was dead but he came round within a minute or so although he remained in a semi-conscious state .
2 You can apply whether you are a tenant of a local authority , a new town development corporation , a private landlord or a housing association , or even if you live in a hostel .
3 And so while he sat in a German public library and the story of the murder in the park unfolded before him in the newspapers , a novel began to stir .
4 But it was n't large enough to button and showed her blouse and skirt , and so when she appeared in the yard again Ben , standing ready by the cart , grinned at her , saying , ‘ That 's nice !
5 A divorced woman can only use her former husband 's contribution record to establish her right to the basic pension and only provided she contributes in her own right as soon as the marriage ends and she does not remarry ( unless she is divorced over the age of 60 ) .
6 ‘ I went home and just after I got in my mother phoned ; she must have known from my voice that something was wrong .
7 He said I ca n't I 'm here on my own , he said get a cab and I 'll give you the money back , so anyway I rung Pauline 's husband up Steve and he said I 'll take you , I said to Steve I 've got ta get there for one o'clock cos I said I really do feel that if I do n't see him before he goes I ai n't gon na bloody see him , he was ever so good , he were here at twenty to one , got straight in the car put his foot down , went to the General and just as I got in the door Steve do n't worry about me parking , go , I 'll find you , just get in there , I ran through the bloody doors , ran up the stairs cos I knew
8 And just as you have in the past answered our call for money , so you are now ready to answer our call for people .
9 This chapter will therefore examine also whether the action project had any effect upon cognitive impairment ( Did it help to delay deterioration , or even improve , mental state ? ) ; whether dementia sufferers in the action project expressed less worry , sadness , loneliness than those in the control samples ; whether the project helped people to maintain their capacity to cope with certain tasks or activities of daily living ; and finally whether it succeeded in obtaining more of other community services for its clients than were obtained by those in the control sample ( eg more home help , meals-on-wheels , day care , home nursing , and so on ) .
10 There was scarcely a divinity student in Cambridge , says a contemporary , who ‘ made not himself a disciple of Mr Andrewes by resorting to his lectures and transcribing his notes , and ever since they have in many hundreds of copies passed from hand to hand and have been esteemed a very library to young divines ’ .
11 Oh Charlie shut her up at , at Chris 's mums funeral , when we went to Chris 's mum funeral , she 's erm , she said something or other about , request something or other about , pointing at the I should n't 've been there really because I did n't know her and Charlie said she felt did n't know her and erm she said oh well Rose never spoke about her , or words to that effect , Chris says the reason our mum never spoke about her cos she never showed her face in here anyway , he said when was the last time you see your mum , at that , she shut straight up like that , her face went , she 'd like saying that I should n't 've been there cos I did n't know her , I mean yet , she ai n't set foot in the house for fucking year like , you know she 's a horrible cow , and like when we went in the church , when we went in the crematorium er you had , she had a nice , big one up on the hill is it Arnold 's ?
12 Since a child 's ability to produce a particular sound will vary according to the speech context ( Ingram 1976 ) , the Goldman-Fristoe test samples speech sounds in three positions within words ( initial , medial and final ) and also as they occur in sentences .
13 However , status attributes ascribed by birth in a caste society define an individual 's position in the stratification system much more completely and securely than they do in a class society .
14 And now when it comes in a miracle , you wonder at me for looking twice , thrice , four times , to see if it comes through ivory or horn .
15 Otherwise , and particularly if she lived in Edinburgh , she could answer one of the advertisements for a housemaid ; or she might , increasingly as the century wore on , try for a coveted job as shop assistant ; she might enter one of the monotonous and repetitive unskilled industrial jobs in say paper-bag making ; or use her school training in needlework to become a dressmaker .
16 No one was within earshot , they were miles from anywhere , it seemed , and even if she jumped in the river and swam for it the chance that she would outmanoeuvre him in the water was slim .
17 And even if you remain in the same location , you could still feel unsettled .
18 From these , it is clear that a buyer can be owner of the goods even though he has not paid for them and even though they remain in the seller 's possession .
19 nobody 'd told him , and then when I got in touch with him erm he said no nobody had told him about it .
20 In Lobophytum species , the process is not particularly dramatic ; the polyps withdraw , the body of the animal will deflate , looking as though it has collapsed , and then when it takes in fresh water to stiffen up again , a thin , transparent layer of mucus can be seen detaching itself from the surface of the coral , to be swept away by water currents , the whole process usually taking a few hours .
21 I know , it 's a bloody , it 's such a pain in the arse , because you freeze to death , bloody getting up there , and then when you get in there , it 's so bloody hot .
22 And then if they got in good condition built up solid .
23 That first night , after the shock had begun to abate , the vision of Benedict 's snarling features , the sound of molten rage in his voice , had come back to her again and again as she lay in her narrow cot bed , and she had wept .
24 I do n't rightly know but only that he worked in a shop , a big shop , and he always wore a nice suit .
25 This does n't mean that I have slopped believing , but only that I believe in my own way .
26 But ONLY if you buy in Britain .
27 But only when you go in the shop , I find the colours this year are rubbish
28 And not only have they consumed practically a quart of maple ice-cream , but just before I came in here they were ordering some pizzas !
29 Erm Romans verse and verse four you notice this text is taken from verse twelve , rejoice in the hope and then persevering prayer , but if you go into verse four , what it 's speaking about there , but just as we have in one body many , members , but the members do not all have the same function and then in six to eight he goes on to describe that we all have gifts do n't we differing according to the undeserved kindness given to us , whether er so forth and so faith , ministry , erm teaching , exhorting , all these different gifts , though sometimes if a particular brother or sister does n't have a particular gift and we think well you know that 's a bit hard going I ca n't seem to listen to them , that 's an area perhaps where we could erm be quivering could n't we , or complaining , especially about assignments , you might get speakers that come here from other congregations , and some are better than others are n't they ?
30 But once when I arrived in Boston I was at a loss .
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