Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [conj] he [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Carey checked it , then dragged back on the rod and took up the slack , working that way for five minutes or so before he beached the fish .
2 That Neil was not sleeping there after all , or merely that he shut the flaps at night against the midges or the weather ?
3 Very soon he stopped , juggled the engines to and fro until he reckoned the bows were a hundred yards distant from the buoy , had the anchor dropped , then moved just as slowly astern , the anchor chain being paid out as he went .
4 It was L-shaped and only when he reached the comer of the ‘ L ’ could he see the whole of the room .
5 Only on his way home did he suddenly realize that illness could have prevented her from meeting him , and only when he entered the farmhouse that evening did he discover that she was dead .
6 Lancaster 's voice had suddenly become animated and loud as he recalled the sting of his betrayal .
7 Last I have a very pleasant task to perform , namely to ask Angela to kindly present to His Lordship a token of our loving esteem for all he has done for the Guild over the years and hopefully when he wears the vestment he will say a prayer for us all — AD MULTOS ANNOS .
8 ‘ I think he 's very important because of that fact , and also as he knows the French set-up and the way they play .
9 O stared , he did n't know for how long , at him and his outstretched hand , wondering whether to gasp it , fill it with change , or knock it away ; and then he looked up , because he heard his train coming and also because he felt the hot wind on his face .
10 In 1927 Welford Beaton was left in no doubt that the motion picture was ‘ a throbbing , living , human thing ’ after Janet Gaynor 's performance in Frank Borzage 's Seventh Heaven and especially by her grief as her husband left for the war ; Beaton had cried at the time and even as he wrote the spell was not broken .
11 He said the men had threatened his life , and even as he drove the victim to the beauty spot where the gang waited , one had been hiding in the boot of his car with a shotgun .
12 Herluin , when finally he did touch , touched as if the vellum might burn him , timidly and convulsively , and even when he had the book open , for better or worse , agonized a few moments over where to choose on the page , shifting from recto to verso and back again before settling .
13 If he lands on a tree or on the ground he sticks in like a dart , and even if he survives the impact he wo n't be able to free himself easily .
14 Strange 's outburst was directed at a cameraman who clicked as he addressed the ball , and then as he reached the top of the backswing .
15 Nothing , however , flew , and yet when he opened the closed hand , it was empty .
16 If correct , this apparently means that it was after the conquest of Norway in 1028 and therefore after he attended the imperial coronation of Conrad II of Germany in Rome in 1027 .
17 Mr Spielberg 's told Rosemarie he hopes so , but only if he finds the money .
18 He heard the door close behind him , but just as he reached the gate it was hurriedly opened again and a voice called , ‘ Just a moment !
19 But just as he put the rope over his head , he screamed in terror and threw his arms above his head .
20 He could see the Bible as drama not only because he believed in the Devil but also because he read the Bible as literature .
21 But even as he asked the question , D'Arcy already knew the answer .
22 Black gets it into the box Rozario got a header in but even as he headed the ball he limped away again and if he 'd have been properly fit then he would have really powered that one in .
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