Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [conj] [pron] do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Since you are Derek 's friends — or rather since you do n't care very much for his health and welfare I will not call you his friends but surely I ought to know your name ! ’
2 Because of its Hypersoft compression technology , or rather because it does n't require image decompression , 100 full-screen zoomed images can be viewed in less than 17 seconds , 1,000 in 3.5 minutes .
3 Because of its Hypersoft compression technology or rather because it does n't require image decompression 100 full-screen zoomed images can be viewed in less than 17 second , 1,000 in 3.5 minutes .
4 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
5 We need to hurry but it 'll take an hour or so and I do n't want the papers on to it before the next of kin know .
6 If people go to bed and are in bed for a week or more and we do all of that , all that stroking and loving , then when they actually go there 's a relief at them no longer having the pain and the shock . ’
7 He is a Whip who receives about £35,000 a year or more and he does not have to worry about the daily necessities of life .
8 And if we overstep the mark — or even if we do n't — we offer the manufacturer the right to reply — letting you , the reader , judge .
9 On the other hand we do quite frequently mutter to ourselves as we try to deduce something logically — or even if we do n't make a sound we often use words in our head when trying to work out a complex problem .
10 Double positives are taken away making it negative and your H positives go in here , making it positive , so you get a you get a little a little potential difference , a little difference in voltage , which gives a Any any two metals if you put them together and make them a bit damp , or even if you do n't make them damp , you usually get a little a tiny voltage .
11 Or even if she does n't like , and as much as she says , well she does n't like it she ca n't give it up until they 're old enough not
12 but I mean things that nobody else remembered obviously she remembers or even if she does n't remember she heard it talked of in her childhood
13 Some may be misinformed because they misread their newspaper , or because their paper prints inaccurate information , or even because they do not believe what is printed in their paper .
14 The listeners tuned in to the German wavelengths because they found Joyce amusing unintentionally or for his anecdotes , or else because they wished to hear both sides of the argument , or even because they did not trust their own authorities to tell them the whole truth .
15 Though his theories of perception ‘ made him slip so easily into a feeling that nothing around him existed , or alternatively that he did not exist in anything around him ’ ( 66 ) , he dismisses his own supernatural powers as coincidence until they become too overwhelming to be ignored .
16 He claimed that it did n't matter what mantra you said , or indeed if you did n't have one , as long as you cleared out your mind .
17 The responses were later grouped into three categories : ( a ) never smoker — ‘ I have never smoked a cigarette , not even a puff ’ ; ( b ) tried but stopped — ‘ I have only ever tried smoking once or twice but I do n't smoke now , ’ or ‘ I used to smoke sometimes but I do n't smoke now ’ ; ( c ) current smoker — ‘ I smoke sometimes but I do n't smoke as much as one cigarette a week ’ or ‘ I usually smoke between one and six cigarettes a week , ’ or ‘ I usually smoke more than six cigarettes a week . ’
18 And right where she did n't expect it in the black universe was another dark space , solid with hidden meanings , difficult to see , alien to her comprehension .
19 and , and Northbrooks ever since it was built right next door to me when I was living there er , many years ago and er get the , the new development done , and so that I do n't think we should hold on .
20 We shall be arriving at The Blackheath Gate and so if we do n't see you at the shoot , I would just like to thank you now for your help and advice on the recces .
21 ‘ Only to you , ’ he replied equably , ‘ and only because I do n't fall in with what you want .
22 And merely because you did n't tell them her new name and address does n't mean to say they 'll stop looking . ’
23 Keep a sample of the plant or seed that you suspect , even if you think you know what it is — and especially if you do n't .
24 I found that quite a hard time erm and especially if you do n't have any family near .
25 He was swearing steadily and obscenely as he did so , realising that the windscreen damage inflicted by the near miss would make it well-nigh impossible for him to engage in a high speed chase now .
26 And just so you do n't forget … ’
27 Certainly economic considerations were supreme and just as it did not make sense to build cinemas just for the rich so it would have been crazy to make films just for the religious , the doctrinaire , and the intellectual .
28 Can I just say a few brief things to this , firstly , I share their concern entirely and totally and I do n't think there 's an officer round this table who would n't agree with that , and I also believe , having met with all the board members this morning , I know that the board members similarly agree .
29 The supply of carpenters in Scotland will not immediately increase : it takes time to acquire carpentry skills and existing carpenters in other parts of the UK may be reluctant to move away from their own area , partly because of the cost of the move and partly because they do not wish to leave their families and friends .
30 However , care should be taken that they do not lose their exceptional hardiness and thriftiness in pursuit of greater yields , and also that they do not become extinct through being crossed with Friesians .
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