Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Either that , or perhaps that she had n't asked very many pointed questions .
2 Perhaps because they were suddenly aware that Madrid could fall to the rebels at any moment , or perhaps because they felt more confident with a government which now included representatives of all the Popular Front forces and the anarchists , the Republican troops rallied at that point and managed to slow down the Army of Africa 's advance on the capital .
3 Which is more or less where we came in !
4 So we 're more or less where we left off last November .
5 I mean if you think about it it was just an impossible task to do it sort of fairly or so that everybody felt all right about it and also that you know if it 's your own children you 're having to choose presents you know the who whole idea was sort of very very difficult really .
6 She was feeling as if she 'd made a long , exhausting hike instead of just the kilometre or so that she 'd actually walked , but it was n't a bad feeling .
7 ‘ A week or so after I got back it was still there so I went to a doctor and said I might have picked up a parasite .
8 On the summer 's day that Michael Caine was being interviewed , he and the researcher sat and watched Wimbledon on the telly together for an hour or so before they got down to work .
9 They stood on their ends in the inward sloping shelves for a fortnight or so when they came in during the spring or early summer .
10 In the next week or so until I met up with him again I was suffused with wild imaginings .
11 Clough , in fact , will become the 13th player Souness has purchased for £1m or more since he took over at Rangers in April 1986 .
12 Or even if they had n't been well paid , ’ added Tealtaoich .
13 The listeners tuned in to the German wavelengths because they found Joyce amusing unintentionally or for his anecdotes , or else because they wished to hear both sides of the argument , or even because they did not trust their own authorities to tell them the whole truth .
14 Though his theories of perception ‘ made him slip so easily into a feeling that nothing around him existed , or alternatively that he did not exist in anything around him ’ ( 66 ) , he dismisses his own supernatural powers as coincidence until they become too overwhelming to be ignored .
15 Nenna struggled against an impulse to rush into the fish and chip shop at the corner , the only shop in the street , and ask them if they had ever seen somebody coming out of number 42b who looked lonely , or indeed if they had ever seen anyone coming out of it at all .
16 He claimed that it did n't matter what mantra you said , or indeed if you did n't have one , as long as you cleared out your mind .
17 I had been there once or twice but she had never set foot in my father 's new home .
18 Once or twice when she crept down to the turn in the stairs to see if it was safe to go and get something to eat , she was scared back by the murmur of unfamiliar voices , and saw three or four bicycles parked in the hall , leaning together with their pedals tangled in each others ' spokes , forming an intricate barrier to outside .
19 He drove grimly and skilfully and he drove very fast as if he could not wait to get her on the plane to England and out of his sight .
20 He glanced to and fro as he walked back across the road , but no-one was there .
21 And right where she did n't expect it in the black universe was another dark space , solid with hidden meanings , difficult to see , alien to her comprehension .
22 As is often the case , his boredom was mixed with nostalgia , and so when he set out to create something new , he also had something borrowed in mind .
23 And so when he set off for home the red bitch was with him , loping along by his side .
24 I did n't know the surname of the people who 'd taken you , only your first name , Robbie , and so when you turned up in school I thought nothing of it .
25 And erm , one day we had friends round , and I went into the loo it stinks of smoke in here , it was really bizarre , and I , I went , and sort of just thought oh , and then I went in again , and I really did smell , and I thought , this is really odd , and so when I came out here I said , did anyone else smell smoke in the ba in the bathroom , and they said oh yeah , I could smell cigarette smoke , and then , it must have just been upstairs , and it wafted down , and in through ours , cos there was no one else really around .
26 And we had to laugh , he said , well can you be ill a bit longer because he , er , he cooked her something to eat and he feeds her and so when I rang up I never got her on th , I never spoke to her for a week !
27 And so if you went out and you bought er , I do n't know , we 've , if , a microwave , as you left the store with your microwave , the salesman calls his supplier and says , I need a microwave , because he only keeps three now , whereas even up to three or four years ago , he would have several in the back store , now he does n't keep them .
28 And so if you swam up to somebody who was in difficulty , and you approach them from the front their automatic reaction is to throw their arms around you , do n't let them do it !
29 And so as I grew up er they knew me and I knew them and I was to need one or two later on , for various reasons , but er you could n't see it at the time .
30 So is n't it good for us rather than quibbling , rather than criticizing , and recognizing that we 've all got different abilities and perhaps if you had n't got one of those abilities there , the , the body that it speaks about , you see every part plays a part does n't it on our physical body and so we are in accommodation , we all have a part to play , and that 's the way we , we grow you see and we mature and we become better , able , equipped to go out and tell others , gives us confidence as well if we know what we 're talking about , that way we can learn , so never quibble about assignments and arrangements , never criticize brothers and sisters in the congregation .
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