Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [conj] [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are cases , including the authorities to which Cooke P. referred , in which an order apparently final has been treated as interlocutory so as to deprive a litigant of a right of appeal or so as to restrict such right .
2 René Descartes , who attempted to discover truth by doubting everything he could manage to doubt , described the first principle of his method like this in A Discourse on Method , ‘ The first rule was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such ; that is to say … to comprise nothing more in my judgement than what was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt . ’
3 Why not drive straight home here and now and escape this humiliation for which I have , inexplicably , volunteered ?
4 He only classed it as a nightmare because of the head , and even that had more farce to it than terror .
5 So the point erm I wish to make erm on er Mr 's observations , is that it 's not the strategy of the structure plan was not simply erm to seek an initial reduction erm in the rate of residential development in the county and then that roll that rate forward in progressive erm amendments to the structure plan , Hambleton District Council believes that the logical interpretation of these statements is that a progressive reduction er in house building and the rates of migration should be sought through subsequent alterations to the plan .
6 But rather than meet this challenge , entitlement theorists simply take for granted that if original acquirers deserve any rights they deserve the full rights of liberal ownership , and hence assume , rather than demonstrate , the legitimacy of that which has to be justified : the institution of private property .
7 But rather than offer more praise , we would like to offer something else .
8 McKean and Murray have now scored doubles at three major events — the 1989 World Cup in Barcelona , the 1990 European Championships in Split and now Toronto — but rather than give each other confidence by their successes , Boyle believes it 's more a case of ‘ anything you can do , I can do better . ’
9 At least everybody knows where to go and it 's all there an but obviously that has some difficulty in terms of where to locate it and where to .
10 He knew the details better than most of us , but somehow that caused more resentment than if he had left the specifics to us . ’
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