Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] with [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 This frankness of approach applies particularly if the presenting problem is directly or closely connected with matters of sex and Sexual relationships .
2 Beyond that period , he had to be issued with a holding order and eventually served with allegations of his suspected terrorist activities which he could contest before a commissioner in a special ‘ Diplock ’ Detained Persons ' Tribunal .
3 It was more of an annual rite than a business meeting , and always concluded with expressions of mutual goodwill and handshakes all round — provided the pub continued to show a profit .
4 Probably the most spectacular example of this is the large gaming or divination board found in the East Wing of the Knossos Labyrinth : it was covered with plaques of ivory , plated with gold and further decorated with plaques of crystal backed with silver or blue paste .
5 When I checked up on his progress I was startled to find that he had not only planted up the four pots but his red wellington boots as well , liberally watering both them and himself and then garnishing with sprigs of a semi-dormant fuchsia as a finishing touch .
6 The latter are well worn and crudely balanced with chunks of lead .
7 The thrones they sat on were fluted and heavily decorated with clusters of mother-of-pearl along the back and arms .
8 For the purposes of this chapter we will define anxiety as an emotional state usually involving fear , tension and apprehension and commonly associated with anticipation of a threat .
9 In the main courses , steer away from the various stuffed tortillas , some deep-fried and others not , but all topped with loads of sour cream , guacamole and cheese .
10 They sat in the sitting room , now unusually warm but still filled with traces of Mrs Redburn , and drank coffee .
11 Each has their own schizoid features , Presley gorging on chocs and biscuits , Haley preferring to lapse into drugged sleep and oblivion , but both paralysed with terror of the world outside and indulging in dreams of the golden days when mummy and daddy were alive and all was right with the world .
12 It is dark brown , but attractively decorated with circles of electric blue .
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