Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] can [be] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Three joined together can form a ferry capable of carrying the Challenger tank , or they can be coupled to form a bridge capable of carrying even the heaviest Army loads .
2 Two minutes of video can provide an hour of classroom work , or it can be used to introduce a change of activity for five minutes .
3 Or it can be used to express requests for which one can assume willingness to comply : ( 209 ) ( She ) took me by the hand , and bidding me be of good cheer , set off with Gus in a coach , to pay a visit to those persons .
4 Once drained , which takes anything from four to eight hours , the cheese can be eaten immediately , with or without the addition of fresh cream ; or it can be left draining until it is all but dry , when it can be kept for cooking , or salted and flavoured for consumption as a mild cheese .
5 The student 's observation of a patient will be tested , and she can be guided to evaluate her work .
6 If it carries a marker its descendants can be recognized , and they can be seen to give rise to all sorts of tissues , from muscle and bone , to liver and brain .
7 Grice calls such usages floutings or exploitations of the maxims , and they can be seen to give rise to many of the traditional " figures of speech " .
8 Children will also begin to classify ( … two of the irons are similar because they both could be heated on a fire … ) , and they can be encouraged to make and test hypotheses ( for example , how did they heat the flat iron ?
9 An old sea captain , veteran of the battle of Trafalgar , and he has a wooden leg and he can be heard stumping about in October , round about the anniversary of the battle .
10 It is the way Biggs fights and he can be expected to steal the early rounds .
11 The certificate is a practical award that assess the candidate 's actual performance and it can be tailored to meet the needs of each candidate .
12 It could include all the resources of the business , including the people of interest such as EMPLOYEE , and it can be extended to cover such things as a SALES-ORDER , INVOICE and PROFIT-CENTRE .
13 Designed by the internationally famous Peter Lynn of New Zealand ( whose Octopus appears on the cover of this book ) , it is popularly known as the Peter Lynn Tri-D and it can be made using square cells based on 90-degree Isosceles triangles as Pat has drawn , or with equilateral triangles .
14 In these situations , fitted bedroom furniture triumphs over free standing as it 's custom-built , utilizing every available inch of space , from floor to ceiling and it can be made to fit any bedroom , no matter what its shape .
15 And it can be customised using GemBase development tools from Ross .
16 The entity model is just another view of the organisation , but it is a particular perception of reality and it can be used to address a number of problems .
17 The computer is very fast ; it can be set to scan the text of journal articles and print out the titles of all which use significant key words more than a stated number of times , and it can be set to tell us how many times Shakespeare used a particular expression , and in each case it can give the results quite astonishingly quickly .
18 But you can be asked to leave , or sued if you cause damage .
19 Jack Russells are difficult animals to teach to retrieve — I have only had one that would do it properly — but they can be taught to work nets , drive rabbits into nets and to be thoroughly disciplined in all they do .
20 Steam inhalations should be avoided if you suffer from asthma , as the concentrated steam may trigger an attack , but they can be used to help other respiratory problems such as those mentioned above .
21 Mr Gorbachev may refrain from saying it publicly on Saturday but he can be expected to press Mr Honecker all the more urgently in private .
22 It is valuable as a means of helping the plaintiff to restore his reputation ( at least when it is reported ) but it can be exploited to present a false picture under the pressure to avoid trial .
23 But it can be made to bulge and glitter with a maestro behind the iris .
24 The example sketched out above concerns those relatively high up in the hierarchy , but it can be extended to cover other employees of the body-maker .
25 This is a far from ideal measure but it can be used to compare performance over time and to establish target rates of return .
26 CLUE is n't a page makeup system as such but it can be used to create very impressive documents , Blackwells recently used it to publish their book catalogue .
27 It is connected to the record machine but it can be used to display the pictures from both machines in turn : when the record-machine is in either record or stop mode , playback from the source-machine is displayed ; when the record-machine is in playback mode , however , it has priority for the screen and its pictures are displayed .
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