Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] had been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It reminded Jane of one of the Professor Branestawm stories she had read as a child in which the characters were photographs come alive , each repeating , over and over again , the sentence he or she had been saying at the moment the photograph was taken .
2 Before the prison doors had opened , or she had been stuffed into the hold of that ghastly convict ship , to spend her life scrubbing and cleaning and whoring for rough and dangerous men .
3 Mr Hill : Yes , now , during the war most men between 19 and 38 got called up and they went into the army , navy , airforce and fire-brigade or they had been drafted into factories to make tanks , aeroplanes and munitions so some things , areas , like farming were very short of labour .
4 For he had stumbled across — or it had been revealed to him — that if you act as you deeply want to act and if that , sublimely , coincides with what you aim for , then nothing is simpler , nothing is more dynamic , nothing is happier .
5 It looked as though something had chewed the handkerchief , or it had been destroyed by acid or something .
6 But there were also cases which held that the applicant for mandamus had to show that some legal right of his or hers had been infringed by the challenged decision .
7 Again I thought , well , the world 's there whenever I want it and I had been presented with an incredible opportunity . ’
8 Forbidden to speak any language but French , Marius and I had been punished by the Corporals for speaking English while dismantling the tents at Canjuers .
9 And I had been loading for the Major the last time that I was out shooting , the last time for me like .
10 My mother-in-law helped to run one of the early family planning clinics , and I had been despatched to an appointment with the other doctor ! )
11 It had been impossible to think of the future since John 's abduction , but 17 April was only weeks away and I had been discussing with Chris and Nick how we might mark it in some way .
12 It was a cold day and I had been standing in that particular spot for half an hour , so I was glad to get into the car , which was driven by a smart-looking man in a tweed cap .
13 It was a standing pose and I had been working at my canvas for a week , my problems were not nearly solved , and the painting still excited me .
14 Duncan and I had been talking for about ten minutes or more and swatting the increasing number of mosquitoes that always arrived in force at this time of the evening .
15 Alec and I had been climbing on his right-hand side .
16 Cameraman Martyn Colbeck , our Russian and Tadjik helpers and I had been filming in the mountains and soda lakes of the eastern Pamirs , a few miles from the Chinese border .
17 Somewhere between the time when they had fallen into an exhausted sleep and when she had woken to this grey dawn , all the joy and magic of what they had shared had faded , and she had been overcome by doubts .
18 Peggy had lived for a long time with an aunt while her daddy and mummy were abroad , and she had been spoilt by always getting her own way .
19 But however reasonable , nothing was as cheap as free accommodation , and she had been counting on these next six months to build up a bank balance .
20 But it would be only for a time and she had been thinking of asking the queen-dowager for permission to leave sanctuary and visit her mother .
21 She had been , it seemed , to endless dinners , parties and weddings on her own , she had been spotted at local cinemas with friends , sitting in the stalls alongside ordinary members of the public , and she had been seen on the town , at pop concerts , and in restaurants , with handsome young men .
22 Her name was She-Who-Is-Alone and she had been looked after by the tribe since her parents and grandparents died in the famine .
23 Then the first ‘ maid ’ they ever had was a girl of 16 called Mollie and she had been deserted by her husband and came to live in the house with three tots .
24 Cook had the afternoon off and she had been coming to grips with her occasional souffle , when the ‘ monster ’ had started its cacophony .
25 He was a powerful , virile man , and she had been left in no doubt as to the physical effect she had on him .
26 A small crowd had gathered and she had been carried across the street and inside the nearest shop in order to get her out of the sun .
27 She had thought her daughter was pure and good , and she had been gratified by that .
28 The shock had been too much for her precarious hold on sanity and she had been removed to Rainhill Asylum in a strait jacket .
29 And she had been entrusted with its safe keeping .
30 The police began to search for various people but our security system was very good and we had been warned about what was happening .
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