Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] will [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The point is that the inference which you give to it is that they 're not quite fit to be Governors , by comparison with others , and I 'd like to defend that because I can assure you that I have never ever nominated a Governor for a school who I have not thought would be advantageous to that Board of Governors to have as a member and that he will be he or she will be a contributor to that particular school , and I 've done it time and time and time again and indeed on occasions have had headmasters coming to me and thanking me for the particular person that I put in .
2 He can do whatever he likes , and I will be a slave the rest of my life .
3 But for that I need Wealth , O Lord , I confess it : without it I am worthless ; just let me get my hands on it and I will be an ornament to Your name . ’
4 WIDNES coach Phil Larder has told new signing Bobby Goulding : ‘ Cut out the aggro — and you will be the Lions ’ scrum-half for years to come . ’
5 He has great potential to be a world champion , and he will be the kind of driver we would like to retain his services through the next possible two , three years , so it 's a longer term situation with him .
6 Market Booster who won her last outing when taking the Bayerisches Zuchtrennen at Munich at the beginning of August in soft ground will be ridden by big race specialist Kinane and it will be no surprise if she were to win .
7 Like so many of Byrd 's cantiones sacrae , ‘ Deus venerunt gentes ’ was not composed for church choirs to sing , and it will be no loss if 20th-century church choirs continue to ignore it .
8 Leave some initial thing undone , and it will be a handicap later , if not a factor in eventual failure .
9 The Brits will instantly assert their Atlanticist identity — Thatcher loves the idea anyhow and it will be a blow against the EC .
10 He is also a great friend of the Festival , and it will be a delight to have him with us again .
11 The benefit structure is not workable , and it will be a software nightmare until it is made clear .
12 But it works , and it will be a shame if Martin does not continue to find time for pictures like this .
13 We 've got this erm , er , some one is going to monitor a proportion of work that you have recorded as transcripts anyway , and it will be a research director or A.D. I 'm just wondering whether we can comply with this now .
14 That will give London its first express route across the capital and it will be a boon to many travellers .
15 And it will be a priority of the AEA Board to ensure that any AEA employees who do move into the private sector do so on terms that are no less favourable than those they currently enjoy .
16 As my hon. Friend rightly said , Parkinson 's disease is a distressing condition , and it will be a cause of sadness to all hon. Members that Mr. Thorpe has come to suffer from it .
17 The ground can hold 110,000 spectators and it will be a cauldron when Scotland play there . ’
18 It is a question for the Court of Referees , and it will be a matter for the House .
19 That 's not been defined erm and it will be a matter of judgement .
20 And it will be an exclusivist world in which the rich countries insulate themselves from the pressure of migration , and the threat of terrorism .
21 It will consist of a number of relatively enduring traits , or ways in which one individual differs from another , and it will be the foundation on which the horse 's personality is built .
22 Er and Professor is right that it was paragraph B er which at the time was A A er it 's now B B , that caused er me and er my colleagues some difficulty erm in er policy and resources and it will be the reason for which we do n't support it this afternoon .
23 You wo n't be competing with video and music stores , but you will be a part of the information base of the high street .
24 Chairman 's the person that can sit in with the group of people and is good in terms of receiving information from people and disseminating information and giving it back out again making sure that everybody 's being brought in so he 's a person really not not so much a leader but he will be a person who can keep the group together and can make sure that all the information flows around the group and that everybody 's getting a fair say a fair crack of the whip in terms of what 's going on in terms of orienting towards a task , so everything 's towards a task you need towards a task .
25 Two very significant products , Adobe Illustrator and Aldus FreeHand , looks set to change that for line artwork at least but it will be a year or two yet before scanned photographs become a reality .
26 Caution would probably be advisable until every spectator has been counted , but it will be a disappointment if the crowd falls short of 20,000 .
27 Of course , the life with God will be glorious , but it will be a fulfilment of all the hopes and dreams here .
28 That would be a scandal anywhere else on the planet , but it will be a blessing for Brazil , where the price rise in May is expected to be more than 30% .
29 The date is on the twenty eighth of March and the location will be at Hall and it will be it does n't give a time but it will be an evening meeting .
30 Hardware is visible and sexy , so all the excitement in the parallel processing world is generated by manufacturers , but it will be the companies that crack the problems of writing new applications and adapting existing ones to exploit the technology that will be best placed to make their fortunes out of the technology .
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