Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] were [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Too often , friends and colleagues react to the information that someone is suffering from depression either by agreeing that they often feel a bit down themselves but manage to cope , or else by treating the person as if he or she were suffering from mental disease .
2 Five minutes later Tony and I were trudging through deep snow , wishing we had spared the time to search out the snow shoes and wondering whether there had ever been a previous occasion in Iceland when the approach of a car had been heralded by walkers .
3 One night when there was an air raid alert on , and we were trying in vain to sleep through the usual ‘ noises off ’ , mainly the big anti-aircraft guns situated it seemed at the end of the garden , there was suddenly the most appalling crash immediately over our heads .
4 The talk that night was about experiments carried out to explain why people behaved as they did , and we were told of different types of neurotic people and how they could be classified .
5 Summer had turned into typical Hebridean winter by this time and we were greeted by high winds and driving rain as the ferry berthed .
6 And so , as predicted , two buckets of pigs blood were poured over the two of them and they were received by hysterical laughter .
7 Nevertheless , these historical manifestations of class action took many different forms , their effects were diverse , and they were related in various ways to other social movements and groups .
8 Both families had ties with greater men , who were more concerned with affairs of State , and they were affected by political turmoil , particularly the Stonors , who suffered forfeiture in 1483 for rebelling against Richard III , but both had come through the earlier phase of the dynastic struggle with relatively minor scars .
9 On 13 December 1991 emergency protection orders were made in respect of two children , D. , born on 20 February 1990 , and R. , born on 12 October 1991 , and they were placed with foster parents .
10 The band was two accordions and the tunes were chaloupés and javas valsées , penetrating , jerky , fast , and they were danced with extreme devotion and virtuosity .
11 Well they were ma and they were made with vegetarian suet .
12 But from the sides of their mouths projected the glistening tusks of boars , and they were crowned with great , bristling manes of stiff hair that ran down to the base of their spines .
13 Irons and radios had been the only appliances owned by the majority of consumers before the War and they were joined by electric fires at the end of it .
14 The old fabric biplanes were entirely satisfactory but then they were made out of small pieces of wood , they were well ventilated and they were kept in good dry hangars .
15 Far from it , personal publicity could hinder their work and they were engaged in serious business .
16 er they also brought out some a good range of lighting fittings er , which you still see about again used well I , I remember putting one , you saying about putting lights at different levels , erm a staircase which was in a new house which was architect design and built and erm , the staircase was er more or less centrally in the house rather than be stuck against one wall and so it had a well and down the centre of the well we strung one of these lights with er five different glasses suspended on black flex five black flexes and erm these were shades made of heavy glass er the glass was n't painted it was coloured all the way through , er and erm they were called er Chelsea , Chelsea glasswork and erm these each had a lamp inside them well er about three inch diameter cylinders actually about eight inches long and they were hung at different heights er so that the lip behind the staircase and also of course there 's a staircase being where it was , it was in the centre of er , a , quite a large hallway for modern stand for modern standards and erm it of course was a feature of the hall as well .
17 The king penguins , biggest in size and slowest to mature , moved into the crèche area ( off limits to visitors , but just behind the main penguin pool ) until they , too , had fledged , and they were put on public display during the summer .
18 And they were glazed with opaque white glass so that the patients could n't see out either , nor passers-by see in .
19 In 1974 the structure changed and they were taken from local authorities and amalgamated within the new health authorities — first area , and then later ( 1982 ) district , health authorities .
20 The loan slips would then be used to enter the data into the microcomputer and they were filed in alphabetical order by title .
21 The animals were maintained in a restricted access room with controlled temperature ( 23°C ) and a light-dark cycle ( 12 hours : 12 hours ) , and they were housed in rack-mounted cages , each containing a maximum of six rats .
22 They stopped reporting incidents to the police when repeatedly no action was taken , and they were subjected to racial abuse from police officers .
23 One of the mightiest warlords in the history of existence , and they were talking about bloody cats !
24 All branches received some and they were left in public places .
25 All branches received some and they were left in public places .
26 ( He advised that this should be done soon , because the wall was badly soaked , and they were asking for dry rot . )
27 Regenerative working ceased and the equipment was gradually removed from Nos. 44–51 and they were provided with ordinary equipment .
28 She did have it all bandaged up , she were she were cleaning toilet at bottom , and er , apparently there was a piece out of it and she did n't know , and she wiped round it , it sliced it , and it were bleeding like mad , well she came across to our 'ouse , and we were n't in , and then she went to Kevin 's and she had she had it , but it , now it 's just like a line now ,
29 But we were moving in different directions and it had been clear for some while that we stayed together out of habit .
30 He did n't do anything I did n't agree to , but we were getting into deep water , I see that now .
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