Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] leave [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I said that he could try to put the cube together and I left him with the pieces while I went to fetch some paper .
2 And I left it on the side instead of leaving it in the grill .
3 Why and you leave it in the tub .
4 And she left it in the boot ?
5 But the door closed quietly and he left her on the dark , unfamiliar landing , crying , just like a baby .
6 But he either could n't or would n't understand , and he left it at the back .
7 ‘ The dear man knows that I collect swans , ’ she explained to Merrill and Richard , ‘ and he left it on the hall table with my name on a label around its neck .
8 And he leaves us with the teasing comment : ‘ Weizmann 's fermentation process with regard to oil works ; but that , for the moment , is all that can be stated .
9 But I left you on the couch .
10 The photo was in there , too , but she left it for the time being .
11 but she leaves them with the neighbours or a neighbour , but I mean it 's all different to bringing them up yourself , in n it ?
12 What he has done is describe certain linguistic features of the text which distinguish it from other texts ( he refers to Yeats 's ‘ Phoenix ’ and Tennyson 's , ‘ Morte d'Arthur ’ , as well as instances of non-literary usage ) , and which look as if they may be of some literary significance ; but he leaves it to the literary specialist to determine what the nature of that literary significance is .
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