Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] come out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 My wife is a business woman with two shops and I came out at the height of the rag trade jamborees .
2 I , I , I was lucky in the three ground I went too the worst that ever happened to me was I was put head first into a dustbin , but luckily it had been emptied it was still well mucky , but I just fucking went and had a shower , and I come out of the shower and I 'd got pounced upon again and I was there , it must of been a funny site , there 's me right in just a pair of fucking deck chairs that we used to wear for the , the shower block right , fucking shaving , er like the wash kit bag in my right hand and I was holding me fucking towel round , round me waist with me left , I was streaking across the play ground , going as fast as I could
3 It 's only a very short walk down , if you walk through the shops you do n't have to go all the way down , you can actually come , just walk past that shop and go down the middle , and you come out through the car park .
4 And you come out onto the main road ?
5 What we 're going to do now is combine both of these hypotheses right into our supply response model , alright and we come out with the following .
6 because they just go in in the day and they come out on the
7 and they come out with the gun .
8 Small blades of grass fall from her legs as the skin dries and they come out into the sunlight .
9 And he come out with the same expression on his face .
10 And he came out into the corridor .
11 He was among , around and in close proximity to about 100 canines of all shapes , sizes and breeds , and he came out of the event totally unscathed .
12 down and there 's a path goes along and it comes , it goes under the road bridge and it comes out at the foot bridge and it runs next to it
13 It is another devastating speech , and it comes out of the blue .
14 But I came out of the stand through the fire exit and I ca n't get back in .
15 But he comes out at the right time and he stays on his line at the right time .
16 For how many years have we been told it 's tax payers ' money do you remember Maggie and the tax payers ' money , it 's like this animal somewhere called the tax payer but it came out of the wall as if we were n't one of them and that we had to look after the tax payers ' money .
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