Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] have [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 This was a need that Pat Bateson , Gabriel Horn and I had hammered out in many long discussions about our imprinting experiments , and which we had tried to meet in practice in the design of the controls we had used in the early 1970s .
2 And I have pointed out in my papers that you must bear in mind perhaps that er quite a number of Rich er quite a number of the districts in North Yorkshire are of county scale in their sheer size and that therefore it is not inappropriate that at that level that the policies would be refined .
3 And she 'd passed out in the phone box .
4 I do n't see what 's wrong with frankly , she 's been through it all and she 's hung on in there
5 After all , these guys are no part of my battle , most of them do n't know me , and they 've turned out in numbers only because Rufus said they had to defend their territory — but I decide this ai n't the time for that , and it would make more sense to invite these gift-horses in for coffee and what 's left of the whisky .
6 But for those departments and individuals who received them , they have been vital and they have paid off in ways not expected at the time of the award .
7 It had been a glorious sunny day and he had wakened up in the morning rather early for him in those days .
8 This guy who lives round the corner had just come out and he 'd started up in business again and he was laying it on me a gram at a time and I was doing it out in bags .
9 ‘ He 's technically a very good goalkeeper and he has come on in leaps and bounds in recent weeks , ’ he said .
10 No one has ever given a satisfactory explanation of why Mr Ford said what he said — and it has gone down in the history books as just another Ford pratfall .
11 They no longer had to wait for the elusive Jennie to finish making a steak and kidney pudding before sanctioning an important business decision , but they had taken over in lean times and Doris began to find the strain intolerable .
12 Fei was not a native of the community that he studied ( the village of Kaihsienkung , in the Yangtze Delta , about 1 25 miles south-west of Shanghai ) , but he had grown up in the same district so that he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect .
13 Not only that , but he had worked out in the gym that morning , then managed a half-hour nap before heading out for an unusually late lunchtime start from the VIP terminal at Heathrow .
14 Wanchai used to be the hostess-bar district , but it has moved up in the world and is now home to one of the colony 's classiest new hotels , The Grand Hyatt ( ) .
15 We 've still got the Children Act coming through , I know that may appear a bit odd , but that Act was in fact in nineteen eighty nine , but it 's come through in a sense on an incremental basis , and it 's accepted by the Department of Health and er , the S S I , that indeed , and the Audit Commission , that there are elements in the present settlement for the Children Act .
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